API help : Save as Jpeg

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jean Marc, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. Jean Marc

    Jean Marc Guest

    We need to write a macro that opens all parts in a dir one at a time,
    put it in "hidden lines", goes to the first config, zoom to isometric, save
    as jpeg name: "filename + configname" - Loop config - Loop next part.

    I plan to start with a macro of what I can do with SW, and give it to one of
    our IT guy to play with. But as there could be something close already done,
    I wonder if anyone knows of some code we could start with.

    Jean Marc, Jan 11, 2008
  2. Here's the code from one that I use tosave out a jpg file.

    ' **************************************************************
    ' JPG Save Macro Created by Matthew Poster on 11/20/2000
    ' This Macro does the following:
    ' 1) Attaches to current SW session
    ' 2) Checks to see if a SW file is open, if so
    ' 3) Attaches to active SW File I.E. part, assembly, drawing if not sends a
    message to the user
    ' 4) If a SW file is open saves JPG image to current directory and adds xxx
    number suffix to the end
    ' 5) If JPG exists in directory already it saves by incrementing the suffix
    ' **************************************************************

    ' Use Option Explicit to avoid mistakes and frustration. With it VB makes
    sure you declare
    ' all your variables kind of like eating all you vegetables.
    Option Explicit

    ' Object type variables
    Dim objSwApp As Object
    Dim objFile As Object

    ' Boolean type variables
    Dim boolstatus As Boolean

    ' Long type variables
    Dim longstatus As Long

    ' String type variables
    Dim ExistingFile As String

    ' Declaring file name variables
    Dim fnameLength
    Dim fName
    Dim x

    ' Beginning of macro
    Sub main()

    ' Attach to the current SW session
    Set objSwApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")

    ' Attach to the current active file to be worked on
    Set objFile = objSwApp.ActiveDoc

    ' Error checker to see if a file is open
    If objFile Is Nothing Then

    ' If nothing is loaded then notify the user
    objSwApp.SendMsgToUser ("Please open a SolidWorks File!")

    ' ends macro

    ' End the If then statement
    End If

    fnameLength = Len(objFile.GetPathName) - 6 'Strip the file extension but
    leave "." so if objFile number is a # it won't be affected
    fName = Left(objFile.GetPathName, fnameLength)

    ' check to see if directory has fName.x.jpg and increment x
    ' until there are no files of that extension
    x = 1

    While 1 = 1 'Repeat loop until kicked out
    ExistingFile = Dir(fName & x & ".JPG")
    If ExistingFile = "" Then GoTo GotExtensionName 'no file of that
    suffix exists
    x = x + 1
    Wend ' End of While Loop

    GotExtensionName: 'we know which value of x to use

    objFile.SaveAs2 fName & x & ".JPG", 0, True, False ' newName, saveAsVersion,
    saveAsCopy, silent

    End Sub
    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 11, 2008
  3. Jean Marc

    fcsuper Guest


    Do you have a source for that code, like where I can contact Matthew

    fcsuper, Jan 11, 2008
  4. No, sorry. It's just something I picked up somewhere, obviously it was
    created several years ago. Maybe he's lurking here??

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 11, 2008
  5. Jean Marc

    Jean Marc Guest

    Thanks for the answers, we'll see what we can do. If anything usable i'll
    make it available here.
    Jean Marc, Jan 18, 2008
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