API help for changing wireframe color

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mike, May 5, 2005.

  1. mike

    mike Guest


    Below is the Colorize macro that has been floating around, which allows
    you to change the color of all the components of an assembly from the
    assembly itself. I modified it to try to make the colors more
    distinct. However, I cannot figure out how to change the wireframe
    color also from inside the assembly- anyone know? I want the new
    colors to also show up when the assembly is in wireframe.


    ' Traverses one level deep into assembly and turns parts random colors.
    ' Kevin Silbert; TriMech Solutions, LLC
    ' www.trimechtech.com
    Option Explicit
    Dim swApp As Object
    Dim AssyDoc As Object
    Dim Configuration As Object
    Dim Part As Object
    Dim Component() As Object
    Dim RootComponent As Object
    Dim Child As Object
    Dim i, j, k, ChildCount As Integer
    Dim retval As Boolean
    Dim ModelDoc As Object
    Dim Ret As Variant
    Dim ViewportBackground As RGB_Type
    Dim TopGradientColor As RGB_Type
    Dim BottomGradientColor As RGB_Type
    Dim SelectedItem1 As RGB_Type
    Dim SelectedFaceShaded As RGB_Type
    Dim SketchFullyDefined As RGB_Type
    Dim SketchUnderDefined As RGB_Type
    Dim Valid As Boolean
    Dim Temp As Variant

    Dim PartColors(0 To 1000, 0 To 3) As Single
    Dim AllowedColorCloseness As Single

    Dim Test2 As RGB_Type
    Dim Margin As Double
    Dim Result As Long
    Dim AssyName As String

    Public Type RGB_Type
    R As Double
    G As Double
    B As Double
    End Type

    Const swDocASSEMBLY = 2
    Const swColorsGradientPartBackground = 68
    Const swSystemColorsViewportBackground = 99
    Const swSystemColorsTopGradientColor = 100
    Const swSystemColorsBottomGradientColor = 101
    Const swSystemColorsDynamicHighlight = 102
    Const swSystemColorsHighlight = 103
    Const swSystemColorsSelectedItem1 = 104
    Const swSystemColorsSelectedItem2 = 105
    Const swSystemColorsSelectedItem3 = 106
    Const swSystemColorsSelectedFaceShaded = 107
    Const swSystemColorsDrawingsVisibleModelEdge = 108
    Const swSystemColorsDrawingsHiddenModelEdge = 109
    Const swSystemColorsDrawingsPaperBorder = 110
    Const swSystemColorsDrawingsPaperShadow = 111
    Const swSystemColorsImportedDrivingAnnotation = 112
    Const swSystemColorsImportedDrivenAnnotation = 113
    Const swSystemColorsSketchOverDefined = 114
    Const swSystemColorsSketchFullyDefined = 115
    Const swSystemColorsSketchUnderDefined = 116
    Const swSystemColorsSketchInvalidGeometry = 117
    Const swSystemColorsSketchNotSolved = 118
    Const swSystemColorsGridLinesMinor = 119
    Const swSystemColorsGridLinesMajor = 120
    Const swSystemColorsConstructionGeometry = 121
    Const swSystemColorsDanglingDimension = 122
    Const swSystemColorsText = 123
    Const swSystemColorsAssemblyEditPart = 124
    Const swSystemColorsAssemblyEditPartHiddenLines = 125
    Const swSystemColorsAssemblyNonEditPart = 126
    Const swSystemColorsInactiveEntity = 127
    Const swSystemColorsTemporaryGraphics = 128
    Const swSystemColorsTemporaryGraphicsShaded = 129
    Const swSystemColorsActiveSelectionListBox = 130
    Const swSystemColorsSurfacesOpenEdge = 131
    Const swSystemColorsTreeViewBackground = 132

    Function GetRandom() As Variant
    Dim Rand(8) As Variant
    Dim Temp As Variant
    Valid = True
    Rand(0) = Rnd * 0.6 + 0.4 'Red
    Rand(1) = Rnd * 0.6 + 0.4 'Green
    Rand(2) = Rnd * 0.6 + 0.4 'Blue
    Rand(3) = 1
    Rand(4) = 1
    Rand(5) = 1
    Rand(6) = 1
    'Rand(3) = Rnd / 2 + 0.5 'Ambient
    'Rand(4) = Rnd / 2 + 0.5 'Diffuse
    'Rand(5) = Rnd 'Specular
    'Rand(6) = Rnd * 0.9 + 0.1 'Shininess
    'Temp = CheckRange(Rand, ViewportBackground, Margin)
    'Temp = CheckRange(Rand, TopGradientColor, Margin / 3) ' Less sensitive
    'Temp = CheckRange(Rand, BottomGradientColor, Margin / 3) ' Less
    'Temp = CheckRange(Rand, SelectedItem1, Margin)
    'Temp = CheckRange(Rand, SelectedFaceShaded, Margin)
    'Temp = CheckRange(Rand, SketchFullyDefined, Margin * 1.15) 'More
    'Temp = CheckRange(Rand, SketchUnderDefined, Margin * 1.15) 'More
    GetRandom = Rand
    End Function

    Public Function ToRGB(ByVal Color As Long) As RGB_Type
    ' Returns NORMALIZED (0-1 instead of 0-255) Red/Green/Blue values
    Dim ColorStr As String
    ColorStr = Right$("000000" & Hex$(Color), 6)
    With ToRGB
    .R = Val("&h" & Right$(ColorStr, 2)) / 255
    .G = Val("&h" & Mid$(ColorStr, 3, 2)) / 255
    .B = Val("&h" & Left$(ColorStr, 2)) / 255
    End With
    End Function

    Public Function CheckRange(ByVal Num1 As Variant, ByRef TempRGB As
    RGB_Type, Margin As Double)
    Dim Dist As Double
    Dist = ((TempRGB.R - Num1(0)) ^ 2 + (TempRGB.G - Num1(1)) ^ 2 +
    (TempRGB.B - Num1(2)) ^ 2) ^ 0.5
    If Dist < Margin Then Valid = False
    End Function

    Sub main()

    On Error Resume Next
    Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
    Set AssyDoc = swApp.ActiveDoc ' Current document
    If (AssyDoc.GetType <> swDocASSEMBLY) Then Exit Sub ' Make sure this is
    an assembly

    AssyName = AssyDoc.GetTitle 'Current Assy Name
    If InStr(1, AssyName, ".") Then
    AssyName = Left$(AssyName, InStr(1, AssyName, ".") - 1) 'Strip off
    ..SLDASM if its there
    End If

    'originally .75
    Margin = 2 'Margin describes how close the new color is allowed to be
    to existing system colors.
    'Lower values are more "picky"- fewer colors will be
    available, but they will not
    'be near system colors at all.

    'Get user prefs so we can avoid the nearby colors
    ViewportBackground =
    TopGradientColor =
    BottomGradientColor =
    SelectedItem1 =
    SelectedFaceShaded =
    SketchFullyDefined =
    SketchUnderDefined =

    'If not using gradient, then set these values to be identical to
    background color to prevent unnecessary avoiding of colors
    If swApp.GetUserPreferenceToggle(swColorsGradientPartBackground) =
    False Then TopGradientColor = ViewportBackground
    If swApp.GetUserPreferenceToggle(swColorsGradientPartBackground) =
    False Then BottomGradientColor = ViewportBackground

    ' Find the Root Component
    Set Configuration = AssyDoc.GetActiveConfiguration()
    Set RootComponent = Configuration.GetRootComponent()
    Component = RootComponent.GetChildren

    k = 0
    ChildCount = UBound(Component) + 1
    For i = 0 To (ChildCount - 1) ' For each Child in this subassembly
    Set Child = Component(i) ' Get Child component object

    'Randomize the color of selected part
    Valid = False

    While Not Valid = True
    k = k + 1
    Temp = GetRandom()
    'MsgBox ("RGB=" & Temp(0) & ", " & Temp(1) & ", " & Temp(2))

    AllowedColorCloseness = 0.1
    If i > 0 Then
    'MsgBox ("RGB=" & Temp(0) & ", " & Temp(1) & ", " &

    For j = 0 To i
    If (Abs(Temp(0) - PartColors(j, 0)) <
    AllowedColorCloseness) And (Abs(Temp(1) - PartColors(j, 1)) <
    AllowedColorCloseness) And (Abs(Temp(2) - PartColors(j, 2)) <
    AllowedColorCloseness) Then
    Valid = False
    'MsgBox ("Rejected")
    'need a break
    Exit For
    Valid = True
    End If
    Next j
    'keep first color at an extreme to avoid making it to easy
    to match (since every color is checked against it)
    'If (Abs(Temp(0) - 0.5) < 0.5 * AllowedColorCloseness) And
    (Abs(Temp(1) - 0.5) < 0.5 * AllowedColorCloseness) And (Abs(Temp(2) -
    0.5) < 0.5 * AllowedColorCloseness) Then
    ' Valid = False
    'MsgBox ("Rejected first color")
    ' Valid = True
    'End If
    End If
    'Break if too many rejections, otherwise Solidworks hangs
    If k = 100000 Then
    MsgBox ("Too many interations, quiting")
    End If

    PartColors(i, 0) = Temp(0)
    PartColors(i, 1) = Temp(1)
    PartColors(i, 2) = Temp(2)

    'MsgBox ("RGB=" & PartColors(Temp(0) & ", " & Temp(1) & ", " &

    Set ModelDoc = Child.GetModelDoc

    Ret = ModelDoc.MaterialPropertyValues
    Ret(0) = Temp(0)
    Ret(1) = Temp(1)
    Ret(2) = Temp(2)
    Ret(3) = Temp(3)
    Ret(4) = Temp(4)
    Ret(5) = Temp(5)
    Ret(6) = Temp(6)
    ModelDoc.MaterialPropertyValues = Ret
    ' AssyDoc.EditAssembly
    Next i
    Set swApp = Nothing
    End Sub
    mike, May 5, 2005
  2. mike

    matt Guest

    The setting you are talking about is a part document property (Tools>
    Options>Doc Props>Color>Apply same color to Wireframe, HLR and Shaded.

    I have a VB6 project that goes through a directory and changes the setting
    in all the SW parts. I used it to change the setting on a bunch of parts I
    had at one point. Anyway, you can get it from my website
    http://mysite.verizon.net/mjlombard/ and follow the link for the macro

    matt, May 6, 2005
  3. mike

    mike Guest


    instead of setting shading to 'red' and setting 'use same color for
    wireframe as shaded', is it possible to simply set the shading color =
    red and the wireframe color = red at the same time?

    mike, May 6, 2005
  4. mike

    matt Guest

    Only if you already have the switch turned on at Tools>Options>Doc Props>
    Colors>Apply Same Color to Shaded, Wireframe and HLR. The default
    templates don't have this switch turned on, and since it's a document
    property, you have to turn it on in each part where you want the wireframe
    and shaded colors to be the same. That's why I wrote the macro, to set the
    setting correctly for a large number of files so that when the shaded color
    changes, the wireframe color follows it.

    matt, May 6, 2005
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