API: Getting view or model referenced by New BOMtable

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by CS, Dec 17, 2004.

  1. CS

    CS Guest

    I can't find any way to figure out which view is referenced by the new bom
    table. I first thought it would be an object of the view that was selected
    when it was created but it seems that it is a part of the sheet view. My
    goal is actually to access the model that is referenced through the bom. I
    see there is a way to get the config or configs that are referenced but
    nothing for the Model or the View that are referenced. Anyone?

    CS, Dec 17, 2004
  2. Have you tried using the BOM.GetFeature? I haven't tried it, but you might
    be able to then get the name of the feature. Could that feature be the
    model or view?

    Evan T. Basalik, Dec 22, 2004
  3. CS

    CS Guest

    This is the debug string I got from the following

    Set bomf = ThisAnnotation.BomFeature
    Set feat = bomf.GetFeature
    Debug.Print feat.Name

    Bill Of Materials1

    so it appears that BomFeature is only giving access to the Feature object of
    the Bom

    Though earlier I tried Feat.getparents and it came up with one object but
    when I tried to use it as a view I got a type mismatch.....OOOOHHH.....

    Ahhhh....I passed the object to a feature and it's name is the referenced
    model. Thank you Evan for invoking this thought process.


    "Evan T. Basalik" <Evan(do not dare spam me -
    remove)> wrote in message
    CS, Dec 22, 2004
  4. CS

    CS Guest

    Darn it. After looking closer I found that the feature returned as the
    parent feature is the drawing itself (Which is in this case the same as the
    model.) Using it would be a safe bet for most of our drawings but I don't
    want to rely on most of the time. I may resort to using the view specified
    in sheet props until I can find a clean way of getting the View used to
    create the BOM.

    CS, Dec 28, 2004
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