API: GetMassProperties2...???

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by KimSky, Feb 2, 2004.

  1. KimSky

    KimSky Guest


    I've noticed some irratic behaviour from the 'retval =
    SldWorks.GetMassProperties2 ( filePathName, configurationName,
    Accuracy )' -function...

    the function should return a safe Array of massproperties for the specified
    file&configuration but sometimes it will return an Empty array instead. It
    seems like the API-call only works if I've done a 'Mass Property'-analysis
    the old fashion way first (manually by selecting Tools/Mass Properties from
    the drop-down menu).... Why is that. Are there some pre-conditions that I
    should be aware of that aren't described in the API-help section?

    Also if I modify the part (adding configurations etc...) it seems like I'd
    need to manually check the mass properties (for each configuration
    separately) before I successfully can use the API call again...

    Any ideas...

    TIA, KimSky
    KimSky, Feb 2, 2004
  2. Couldn't manage to make it work either.
    Will mail apisupport about this
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Feb 2, 2004
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