API, get all dimensions aligned to selected dimension

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sam, Sep 22, 2006.

  1. Sam

    Sam Guest

    I am trying to write a macro to delete an entire dimension string and
    the only way I can think to do it is have the user rmb a dimension,
    select Delete String then the macro would collect all dimensions
    aligned to the selected dimension and delete them all and also delete
    the original selected dimension. The two problems I have is that I am
    not sure how to check for dimension alignment and I am not sure how to
    add something to the rmb menu.

    Does anyone have an example or suggestion on now to accomplish either
    of these two tasks?

    Thanks, Sam
    Sam, Sep 22, 2006
  2. Sam

    Diego Guest

    Sam, I think unless you are deleting the origin from an ordinate
    dimension, or your dimensions are grouped, selecting a single aligned
    dimension to delete will not delete all the aligned dimensions. You
    need to have the dimensions grouped.

    To align and group dimensions, in any one view control select or box
    highlight the dimensions, right mouse click, align, then while still
    highlighted, right mouse click, group. Then you can move or delete all
    those grouped dimensions together.

    Hope that helped. Diego
    Diego, Sep 22, 2006
  3. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Are you implying that even through the api there is no way to determine
    if two dimensions are aligned with each other? That does not seem right
    but I cannot really argue because I cannot find a way to do it yet.
    What I am trying to do is give the user the ability to delete any
    dimension that is aligned to the selected dimension, seems like that
    should be possible.

    Thanks for your response

    Sam, Sep 24, 2006
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