API: dll, menu, bitmap

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Markku Lehtola, Nov 9, 2006.

  1. Hi,

    anyone used bitmaps inside (pull down)menus that are created by
    add-ins? I'm trying to show bitmap in menu when one variable is set to
    "1" and then remove the bitmap when variable is set to something else
    than "1". Running VB6 and SolidWorks 2005/2006/2007. Code is using:

    IsMenuItemAdded = SldWorks.AddMenuItem3 ( DocumentType, Cookie,
    MenuItem, Position, MenuCallback, MenuEnableMethod, HintString,

    The dll works just fine with Windows 2000, but in XP the bitmap does
    not disappear when it should, it stays in the menu. So, is this some
    kind of "VB6 not fully compatible with XP graphics" issue or something
    else? I know there are some problems with VB6+XP combination...

    Markku Lehtola, Nov 9, 2006
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