API: Create toolbar from SWP-file: AddToolbarCommand2 (get cookie)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by JJ, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. JJ

    JJ Guest

    Hello All,

    I'm trying to create a toolbar with a SWX macro (swp-file).

    I can create a toolbar using AddToolbar, and I do see the buttons using
    AddToolbarCommand, but I just cannot assign a function to a button.
    I know how to do this using AddToolbarCommand2. But if I use this
    function in a SWX macro, a Cookie is required. But I don't know how to
    get the Cookie.

    Has anyone done this before and/or has anyone have an example??

    Thanks in advance for your reaction/help.

    Kind regards,

    JJ, Jan 9, 2007
  2. No Idea! :)

    Marcel & Liesbeth, Jan 9, 2007
  3. AFAIK, you cannot create a Toolbar from a macro. The problem isn't the
    "cookie", but rather the "callback" functions you'll need to attach to
    each button.
    If you think about it, clicking a button in SolidWorks calls some
    compiled code, while you'd want to call the VBA interpreter, passing
    the name of a function as parameter. So it can't be the same kind of
    buttons, you'll need some special glue code to call the VBA code, and
    that's precisely the goal of the customizable Macro buttons.
    Now the question is : how to programmatically create Macro Buttons ?
    Till now I didn't find a way to do it. My solution today is to create
    the Macro buttons you need, then save the section(s) of the registry
    that hold this customization, and add the reg. file on target PC when
    installing the macro...
    There would be another solution : write a simple add-in that vreates
    the toolbar and buttons that call back the macro using
    SldWorks::RunMacro . You could define the buttons either in a .ini file
    or even from the macro itself by calling the add-in through
    Did anyone already wrote this ?
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Jan 9, 2007
  4. JJ

    JJ Guest

    Hello Philippe,

    Thanks for your reaction.
    What I did was: I created an add-in that reads out (*.swp) files in a
    (macro) directory. Based on the macro name, he shows/hides buttons. I
    did this with an add-in, but when using an add-in (even if you use one
    that has been created from scratch using the SDK) the performance to
    load a large assembly goes down tremendously (4x slower). What we tried
    is to use our PDM program to run a SWX macro to load/unload the add-in,
    but this seems to be unstable. That's why I am looking for a way to
    create a toolbar using a SWX macro (the one we can start using our PDM

    I manage to create a toolbar using AddToolbar and AddToolbarCommand. It
    shows up, but defining the callback functions can only be done if a
    cookie is know. That's why I need the cookie. Now it crashes at this
    point. If I have a cookie, I can see if the callback functions will

    Kind regards,


    Philippe Guglielmetti schreef:
    JJ, Jan 9, 2007
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