API:Copy sheet 1 to sheet 2?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sam, Sep 21, 2006.

  1. Sam

    Sam Guest

    I would like to write a macro that would copy sheet 1 of a drawing
    including everything that resides on that sheet (drawing views,
    annotations, sheet format, bom etc...) and create a new sheet (sheet 2)
    that includes everything from sheet 1. Is there "copy sheet" api call
    or am I going to have to create a new sheet and then one by one copy
    the views from sheet 1 to sheet 2? Is there an easy way to collect all
    entities from a drawing sheet to paste on the new sheet or will I have
    to copy one entity type at a time (copy and paste all annotations, copy
    and paste all sketch entities, copy and paste all block instances,
    etc...). I dont think I can rely on everything being attached to a view
    (some annotations may be attached to the sheet), so just copying the
    views is not good enough. I can see this getting pretty ugly if there
    is no way to just copy the entire sheet to a new sheet.

    Thanks, Sam
    Sam, Sep 21, 2006
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