API calls for Photoworks.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Corey Scheich, May 24, 2004.

  1. Where the heck are they documented. I want to modify a material setting. I
    am trying to adjust the the transparency of a part using the a macro feature
    instead of using animator. I can't seem to get both the ability to fade in
    a part and have it maintain mirror properties. It seems that if the mirror
    levels are set above zero the part never fully disapears. Other suggestions
    are welcomed but I sure would like to know what calls are available.

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, May 24, 2004
  2. I thought the setting "Record actions to macro files" would record some API
    however the only one that worked was...

    result = swApp.CallBack("pworks@MiEval", 0, "Render")

    It recorded this when I hit 'Render'. Render to file records something as

    Sorry I couldn't find what you needed. I would be interested in the answer

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, May 25, 2004
  3. Great Mike if you don't know it I don't know who will. :^( Documentation
    would be nice. They have it for all the Addins I don't need but the 2 I
    would love to have and that would save the most time nothing (PhotoWorks and

    Corey Scheich, May 25, 2004
  4. Are you enrolled in the 2005 beta program? If you go to the forum,
    and to the API section, there is some more info there. I posted the
    question for you and it got answered, though it's depressing news.

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, May 25, 2004
  5. Unfortunately NO but that is as I expected maybe there will be some hope by
    the final release. I was hoping I could fade a chromic part in and out but
    I guess it will be another day or year, release anyway I put in an
    enhancement request if enough get in they may put some priority on it.

    Corey Scheich, May 25, 2004
  6. actually, there are a couple calls that you can use. Unfortunately, most of
    the API is unavailable. All of the good stuff like picking materials,
    scenes, etc. if not open. I have found some success by setting up template
    files with the correct scene and just running the render using the following

    Dim FileNameParm As String = "RenderToFile Filename " & TargetDirectory &
    "\" & ActiveFile & ".bmp"

    result = swApp.CallBack("pworks@MiEval", 0, FileNameParm)

    result = swApp.CallBack("pworks@MiEval", 0, "RenderToFile Format bmp")

    result = swApp.CallBack("pworks@MiEval", 0, "RenderToFile Size 320 344")

    result = swApp.CallBack("pworks@MiEval", 0, "RenderToFile Render")

    This code will generate the file. The biggest problem with this method is
    that you cannot use a directory with a space in the name.

    There are some other commands you can use, but I have them in a document
    from SW corporate. Email me and I'll be glad to email it directly.
    Evan T. Basalik, May 26, 2004
  7. Corey,
    I really suggest that you download the beta. Registration is almost
    and you can download right away. The reason I say this is because, as you
    can imagine, the SolidWorks add-ins are always being improved in one way
    or another. I think you may find an easy answer to your problem.

    Unfortunately, I can't talk about it in public or they will have me killed

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, May 26, 2004
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