Anyone using SW and ProE on the same product?????

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pixleys, Feb 24, 2006.

  1. pixleys

    pixleys Guest

    I am trying to justify using SW at a place that has 750 ProE seats. I
    need to show some companies where SW and Pro are being used together.
    Thanks all.
    pixleys, Feb 24, 2006
  2. pixleys

    Michael Guest

    why would you want to do that? I'd say that having everybody on the same
    platform (whatever it is, down to and including Acad 2d) would be better
    than having mixed platforms. Within on my experience, mixed platforms
    rapidly spirals into a nightmare.
    Michael, Feb 24, 2006
  3. pixleys

    haulin79 Guest

    With that many seats, if you are a consultant, they may even let you
    have a seat of ProE while you are working for them. If you know ProE
    AND SW, then more power to you.
    haulin79, Feb 24, 2006
  4. pixleys

    TOP Guest

    I did that some years ago. When I produced as much as the rest of the
    engineering department over a year they quickly switched.

    In your case you would be painting a big bullseye on your back.

    The PTC users would probably dislike it because it threatened their
    acquired knowledgebase. It would also threaten their salaries.

    The PTC sales force would dislike it for obvious reasons and unless
    they have stopped immolating mere users for this kind of thing you
    would be in for a bumpy ride.

    The IT dept would dislike it for obvious reasons (more work for them).

    Every time a file couldn't be transfered you would have to take credit
    for it.

    You might consider getting a VAR involved in pushing it. With a user
    base that large there are lots of things to consider and that is what
    VARs get paid to do.
    TOP, Feb 24, 2006
  5. pixleys

    That70sTick Guest


    You are trying to justify it, but need us to supply reasons? Doesn't
    sound like a good case.
    That70sTick, Feb 24, 2006
  6. pixleys

    born skeptic Guest

    I am trying to justify using SW at a place that has 750 ProE seats.
    Get one involved?
    I can't imagine anyone but a VAR or high school kid initiating this thread.
    born skeptic, Feb 25, 2006
  7. If you have questions on this, give me a call at 978-318-5213.
    JohnJeffriesJr, Mar 1, 2006
  8. If you have questions on this, give me a call at 978-318-5213.
    JohnJeffriesJr, Mar 1, 2006
  9. I can give you all the justification you need. Call me at 978-318-5213
    JohnJeffriesJr, Mar 1, 2006
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