Anyone using Building systems for electrical/hvac?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Modat22, Dec 8, 2005.

  1. Modat22

    Modat22 Guest

    We're considering upgrading our cad systems to building systems, I've
    seen the presentations by Autodesk but I've never put much faith in
    Autodesk demos for real world production.

    I was wondering if you where using it and how you felt about it, How
    much of a learning curve and how much production lose did you
    experience when it was installed? Do your older custom quick commands
    and lisp routines work for you?

    We pretty much use alias commands for everything and never use pull
    downs, is this a problem when going over to BS?

    Is there anything you would have done different when the software was
    installed or something you wish would have been done prior to
    installing BS?

    Sam G
    Modat22, Dec 8, 2005
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