Anyone use softquadro on a nvidia geforce4 440 go card

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rocko, Nov 19, 2003.

  1. Rocko

    Rocko Guest

    I as wondering if anyone has used softquadro on their card yet and do you
    see any performance increases or problems.
    Rocko, Nov 19, 2003
  2. Rocko

    Deri Jones Guest

    What laptop are you using? I tried it on a Dell Latitude C840 with a 440go
    and had problems with softquadro - mostly due to not having the correct
    Nvidia drivers - I only have a 56k modem, so downloading different drivers
    is a drag. There are a heap of posts on this - most useful is Mike Wilson's
    stuff - some of it at:

    do a search in this newsgroup and there are a heap of gems.
    Also try this link - it seems to be a slightly different approach - I
    haven't tried it, but best of luck!

    I use the bog standard 440go without too many problems - it doesn't like
    driving twin screens with Solidworks (no problems with anything else, even
    at 1600x1200 (essential with Flash and dreamweaver - how many windows!!)).
    There seems to be some interference with one programme (I think it is a fax
    driver) that seems to make things freeze up in sketches after a while - this
    doesn't seem to have any correlation to the number of windows open, so I
    don't think it is a display problem. I would reccomend running with the
    440go drivers and only start fiddling with Softquadro if you find problems
    with display speed slowing down with a lot of windows open (apparently it is
    around 12-15, depending on resolution) - it can swallow inordinate amounts
    of time getting the right combination of driver version and testing it to
    make sure it isn't going to keel over half way through your rush project.
    Let me know how you get on. I run fairly complicated (not many parts, put
    complicated surface intersect info) models on the laptop with not too much
    grief (1gb of RAM, 1.9Ghz P4M) - far better than my old workstation, but
    can't wait to get my new workstation next month!
    Best of luck
    Deri Jones, Nov 20, 2003
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