Anyone switch from Smarteam to another PDM?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SW Monkey, Aug 21, 2006.

  1. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    We switched from Smarteam to another PDM a few months back. Importing
    all data from Smarteam would be a complex process, so we chose to only
    import our latest files to the new system. We originallly planned on
    exporting various Smarteam data to an Excel sheet, in case we need to
    go back and find a certain file. The data we want to export is Where
    Used, Composed Of, etc. We didnt relize the level of complexity in
    doing this until recently.

    Anyone here move from Smarteam to another PDM?
    Did you transfer all of your data?
    If not, how do you access your old data?

    If anyone has any tips/suggestions, please post them. Thanks.
    SW Monkey, Aug 21, 2006
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