Anyone still using Excel 97 for BOMs?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Art Woodbury, Feb 27, 2004.

  1. Art Woodbury

    Art Woodbury Guest

    I've had some problems with BOMs in SW2004 (SP2.1). A re-install of
    Office 97 seemed to cure some of them, but I'm not sure if the
    installation is working correctly. I can generate an XLS BOM without
    error now, but when I double click it to launch Excel within SW, the
    Excel toolbars and menus seem different. Specifically, the File menu
    does not have a Save or Print option. The Save toolbar icon is grayed
    out, and while the Print icon is accessible, it will not print.

    Doing a "Save as XLS" lets me bring up the same BOM in a session of
    Excel launched outside SW. In this case the missing menu and toolbar
    items are visible and functional.

    It has been several months since I generated a BOM, so I don't remember
    details of the Excel interface within SW. If anyone out there has Excel
    97, would you see if the missing menu and toolbar items are functional
    for the SW-launched Excel? If not then it looks like SW intentionally
    disables some Excel functions.


    Art Woodbury
    Art Woodbury, Feb 27, 2004
  2. Art Woodbury

    Krister L Guest

    I used Office 97 to start with in SW 2004 but got some problems with my BOMs
    and design tables....talked to my VAR ....they told me they had tested it
    and found out Office 97 wasn't realy compatible with SW2004 so I switched
    fast to Office 2003.....on the other hand I remember reading a few posts
    about using excel 97 and SW2004 without problems...can't remember who wrote
    it thoguh

    Krister L
    Krister L, Feb 28, 2004
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