anyone need lisp routine

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by MARSHALL, Sep 29, 2004.


    MARSHALL Guest

    This lisp routine was modified from a previous place of employment to work where I work now. Recently we aquired a GPS unit and new software to run it. Well as anyone knows when dealing with GPS files, they have to be written out to a DXF file, which has very little information. Fortunately these paticular files have layers assigned to the blocks within the file; the blocks being simply autocad points. Anyhow this lisp routine grabs all the points, points being on different layers, and replaces them with the block that should be there, and also places that block on the correct layer.

    If anyone is in need of a lisp routine like this let me know.
    MARSHALL, Sep 29, 2004
  2. Marshall,

    With your reply to e-mail address set to <> why not
    simply post the code (in the form of a ZIP file attachment) or if larger
    then in the Customer Files area.

    Just a suggestion.
    Tracy W. Lincoln, Oct 4, 2004

    WashCaps37 Guest


    I'll be glad to take a copy of your lisp routine. Please send to .

    WashCaps37, Oct 4, 2004
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