Anyone know what this means?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ML, Oct 30, 2004.

  1. ML

    ML Guest

    The company I work for has just linked all our computers to an internal
    network.The guy with the administrator rights has placed all my drawing
    folders on the server and are no longer on "my computer". I have noticed
    that since he has done this I sometimes get a line in the command line
    reads *warning* multiply owned object.Handle 7494. after performing a quick
    save during a drawing session.

    Can anyone tell me what this means?

    Also since the link up, all my drawing icons have changed. Before I could
    have clicked on a drawing file and it would have opened even if AutoCAD was
    not already opened. Now I have to have AutoCAD open first.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    ML, Oct 30, 2004
  2. ML

    randy benson Guest

    In addition to any help you may receive here, you might want to try posting to:
    randy benson, Oct 30, 2004
  3. Multiply owned object handle errors are bad, and generally
    indicate a corrupt drawing. While it may open in AutoCAD,
    the problems that caused this kind of error can worsen and
    lead to disaster.

    My suggestion is that you start auditing your .DWG files,
    and find out what third party applications have been used
    with them.
    Tony Tanzillo, Oct 30, 2004
  4. ML

    David Kozina Guest

    Perhaps you can track down the source of the problem via the handent
    (handent 7494)

    Then keep working your way upstream from that, via entity names/table
    records, etc.
    Perhaps the VLIDE Drawing Inspector window can assist you with this.

    Although I have no idea of the various ways this may occur, I have always
    seen this type of error with respects to a bad group or groups (usually

    Feel free to try the following code which will delete any empty groups your
    drawing may contain.
    Use the DG command to run it from the command line.

    If this does not solve the problem, try finding the source, via the above
    mentioned methods, and, if it IS an anonymous group, use the GROUP command
    to explode it, and see if that fixes things.

    If THAT doesn't work, then it's time to haul out the heavy artillery...
    SuperPurge can scrub alot of glop out of an unruly drawing.

    David Kozina

    ; Delete empty groups
    (defun djkDeleteEmptyGroups
    ( ;
    _obj ; group object
    *djkAcadObject*     ; Object
    *djkActiveDocument* ; Object
    *djkGroups*         ; Object
    ; /
    ; vl:T
    ; begin
    (setq *djkAcadObject* (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (setq *djkActiveDocument* (vlax-get-property *djkAcadObject*
    (setq *djkGroups* (vlax-get-property *djkActiveDocument* 'Groups))
    ; loop through all group objects
    (vlax-for _obj *djkGroups*
    ; items in the group object?
    (if (zerop (vlax-get-property _obj 'Count))
    ; then delete the group
    (vlax-invoke-method _obj 'Delete)
    ; else skip
    );_end if
    );_end vlax-for
    ; end
    );_end defun
    ; Delete Empty Groups
    (defun C:DG
    ( ;
    ; /
    ; (djkDeleteEmptyGroups
    ; begin
    ; end
    );_end defun
    David Kozina, Oct 30, 2004
  5. ML

    ML Guest

    Thanks for your help folks.
    I will try these out when I get back to the office on Monday.
    ML, Oct 31, 2004
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