Anyone know of a simple user library for SW?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by lefty, Dec 4, 2004.

  1. lefty

    lefty Guest

    Looking for simple library database software that could improve model
    re-use within my company. Searchable, possibly using folders or
    galleries of thumbnail views to allow rapid visual searching. It'd be
    nice to have spec sheets tied to purchase parts. (I can ask for things
    can't I? It is almost Christmas!)

    I've seen expensive PDM packages that do this sort of thing, but
    there's usually alot of extra crap to deal with. In addition, there's
    usually a long drawn out search for the "ideal" platform that works
    best with the purchasing end. In the meantime (i.e. years), engineers
    are reinventing the wheel continuously and missing the opportunity to
    streamline the part selection and procurement process.

    The online part libraries have their usefulness, but they don't foster
    the same level of re-use that a home grown library can.
    lefty, Dec 4, 2004
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