anyone know an sql syntax link?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mark Propst, Sep 7, 2004.

  1. Mark Propst

    Mark Propst Guest

    anyone know of a link to simple explanation of the syntax for sql?
    like how to count certain records etc

    In the present case I'm trying to find if there is an sql statement
    that would function in place of the little pseudocode snippet below...?

    two tables

    two fields
    Field1: Length(number) (not unique)
    Field2: Shape(text) (not unique)

    two fields
    Field1: Shape(text) (unique)
    Field2: Area(number) (not unique)

    non sql vb collection idea of a way to count items
    Pseudocode basic idea
    use a collection or ? for every shape in tblShape
    increment a list of the varying lengths for that shape
    count occurances of each length

    if oRs is a recordset stepping through a loop or returned recordset from
    colCount is a collection - first item = Lengthvalue, second item = count
    colCounts is a collection of colCount collections
    oRs2 is a recordset stepping through tblLength

    For Each oRs in tblShape (or while not ors.eof )
    curShape = Field(Shape).Value
    For Each Field(Length) in tblLength (or while not rs2.EOF)
    curLength = Field(length)
    If Field(Shape) = curShape then
    For Each colCOunt in colCounts
    If colCount(1) = curLength then
    colcount(2)=colcount(2) + 1
    bFoundCount = True
    End if
    Next colCount
    If Not bFoundCount then
    Set colNext = New collection
    colNext(1) = curLength
    colNext(2) = 1
    colCOunts.AddItem colNext
    'etc - add colCount for each diff length val
    End if
    End if
    Next Field(Length)
    Next Field(Shape)

    or something like that, to arrive at something like:

    Report for Shape "A"
    2 @ 24
    3 @ 12
    5 @ 48

    imaginary sql guess
    Select Field(Length) from tblLength, where Field(Shape) = Field(Shape) from
    tblShape, count(*) or something - order by whatever
    now that certainly doesn't work nor do several variations of the above
    But I figured a basic walk through the sql syntax would quickly show the
    I just haven't found it searching yet.

    and for extra credit points
    question two
    how to use values from two tables
    Calc volume:
    Length(from tblLength) * Area(from tblArea)= volume for this entry

    Mark Propst, Sep 7, 2004
  2. Supossing that there will be only one area value for each shape, IMHO the
    tables should be

    Table "Shape"
    ID (autonumber, key)

    Table "Length"
    ID (autonumber,key)

    Then, the SQL to get the lengths for each shape would be

    SELECT SH.Shape,LG.length,count(LG.length) FROM Shape SH LEFT JOIN Length LG

    doing a debug.print of the recorset you should get something like this:
    Shape length count
    A 12 2
    A 14 3
    A 44 1
    B 15 3
    B 24 5
    B 50 2
    C 12 8
    C 30 3
    Jorge Jimenez, Sep 7, 2004
  3. Mark Propst

    TomD Guest has some excellent, concise solutions to common
    problems. It's not really SQL specific, but alot of good info for anyone
    dealing with database access.

    Also, the ww3 schools (sorry, I don't have a link handy) has some very good
    beginner type tutorials.
    TomD, Sep 7, 2004
  4. Mark Propst

    MP Guest

    Yeah, since this is the first time I've tried to look at ado, I completely
    forgot acad had a group specially for that.
    Thanks for the reminder.
    MP, Sep 7, 2004
  5. Mark Propst

    MP Guest

    Thanks LochDhu,

    guess not!

    yep, created db in access, intend to read via vb calls to adodb objects

    I'll check this out tonight after work.
    I don't have access on this machine but I think I can try to read the fields
    with some vb subs i'm working on.

    Thanks for the links too, That's what I really need to look at to get the
    basics of how an sql string is formed
    I've seen several and have a vague idea of some of the keywords but the
    basic form still eludes me when I want to make a complicated(for me) search,

    Thanks again for your time. This will be very helpful to speed my learning

    MP, Sep 7, 2004
  6. Mark Propst

    MP Guest

    Gracias Amigo,
    Yo necesito estudiar este bien.
    Este es exactamente que busque.
    Muchas Gracias y pardon para mi Espanol.

    Does this mean tblShape is named SH?

    SELECT SH.Shape,LG.length,count(LG.length) FROM Shape SH LEFT JOIN Length

    so TableName.FieldName is syntax to get a certain field?
    I thought I had to do TableName.Field("FieldName")

    I'm going to look at some links LochDhu posted, cause I really don't
    understand the whole format of an sql string yet.
    some of it is obvious but how things get combined and filtered is what I
    need to get a grip on the basics of.
    Thanks Again,
    MP, Sep 7, 2004
  7. Mark Propst

    MP Guest

    Thanks Tom,
    I'll check these out too!

    MP, Sep 7, 2004
  8. Does this mean tblShape is named SH?
    Yes, it's an on the fly alias

    And BTW, this is a simple way to get what you're looking for.
    You should look at the SHAPE command, to get a hierarchical recordset.
    Jorge Jimenez, Sep 7, 2004
  9. Mark Propst

    Ed Jobe Guest

    In addition to the previous suggestions, there are apps that build the
    syntax for you. You can then learn sql from those examples. If you have MS
    Access, you can build a query in the query designer and then switch to sql
    view to see what was generated. I often use that to copy/paste to a code
    module where I'm building a complex sql statement in code. It then takes
    minor editing for variable names, quotes, etc. to get it into a vba string.
    Plus I know it works since I can test it in Access.
    Ed Jobe, Sep 7, 2004
  10. Mark Propst

    MP Guest

    and if Shape is a 'keyword' or whatever it should be called - in sql - I'd
    better stay away from using that for Field name eh?

    Thanks again
    Mark Propst

    mi esposa y yo escuchamos que Costa Rica es una paiz muy buena para vivir.
    Es verdad?
    (pero posiblamente ustedes no quieren que mas gringos venir?)
    MP, Sep 7, 2004
  11. Mark Propst

    MP Guest

    I'll check that out too. I don't have access here but I do at home so I'll
    try when I get back to that station.
    Have never worked with dbs or access before so it's all new territory for
    I'm sure once I understand a bit of the basics it won't be so mysterious as
    it is now.
    Mark Propst
    MP, Sep 7, 2004
  12. ah!
    Yes, that is a good idea.

    And about Costa Rica, what can I tell you ?
    We're happy here ! Weather in San Jose is between warm and cool all year
    round. Life is cheap, food is good, beaches are great and the "ticas" are
    beautiful. River rafting, volcano expeditions, tropical rainforest
    expeditions, exotic bird watching, bug researching, are all just a couple of
    hours away.
    And all gringos are welcomed ! Pura vida !

    Here are a couple of links with info on Costa Rica:

    Saludos, Ing. Jorge Jimenez, SICAD S.A., Costa Rica

    Jorge Jimenez, Sep 7, 2004
  13. Mark Propst

    TomD Guest

    .....will likely open a whole new set of possibilities for you. It certainly
    did for me. I've probably only learned about 5% of what's possible with SQL
    alone and it's amazing how much I've done with it.

    You'll also find out that SQL is much more powerful than is obvious by
    simple tutorials. It's incredibly simple for the amount of power it
    provides in managing data.
    TomD, Sep 7, 2004
  14. Mark Propst

    MP Guest

    That's what I'm getting the hint of. I've deduced by looking at various
    posts that where I would have previously thought - to get each record from a
    table, then do a bunch of code putting values into collections and sorting
    or counting the collections - that by judicious sql wording I can get the
    derived info directly - very cool.
    Now to figure out how to do it, and then how to display it once i get the
    kind of records I'm looking for.
    With the links provided so far I'm sure when I get the time to look at them
    much of it will become more clear.

    Thanks again for your help.
    Mark Propst
    MP, Sep 7, 2004
  15. Mark Propst

    Ed Jobe Guest

    Now to figure out how to do it, and then how to display it once i get the
    Use Access to create a link to your db. Build a query and examine the
    results to see if it returns the records you want. Then use the sql query to
    create a recordset in ADO. To display it, you can link textboxes to fields
    using the tb's RecordSource property.
    Ed Jobe, Sep 7, 2004
  16. Mark Propst

    MP Guest

    Textboxes would be easy to use.
    Curious if you have used DataGrids?
    I tried once but couldn't figure how to set the DataSource property -
    it showed up in object browser but not property pages, nor would it work via
    There seem to be many datagrids of varying versions so there may be an issue
    with which one to reference.
    There's also something about some of them need a DataControl also in order
    to function or something like
    I figure once I get a handle on returning the right records, then I'll go
    off on the search for best ui to display results.'
    Thanks as always for your input.
    Mark Propst
    MP, Sep 8, 2004
  17. Mark Johnston, Sep 8, 2004
  18. Mark Propst

    MP Guest

    MP, Sep 8, 2004
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