Anyone have a lisp like this?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by spectrefish, Dec 17, 2004.

  1. spectrefish

    spectrefish Guest

    I don't know much about lisp...I will learn eventually. But I would like a routine that changes the ltscale to 1 every time I open a drawing. There can't be much to it. I will load it into my startup suite.
    Does anyone have something that would do this? Or would you be willing to make one quick?
    spectrefish, Dec 17, 2004
  2. spectrefish

    BillZ Guest

    When I think about this.

    Are you sure you want to change ANY drawing you open to this?

    BillZ, Dec 17, 2004
  3. spectrefish

    spectrefish Guest

    Thanks Bill, I knew it would be very simple.

    For now, any drawing I open needs to be changed to ltscale 1 so....yes. It is only a temporary thing.

    I appreciate your help.
    spectrefish, Dec 17, 2004
  4. spectrefish

    Tom Smith Guest

    (setvar "ltscale" 1)

    However, there's a big question on why you'd want to do this. If you want to
    start a new drawing with settings per your standards, put this and other
    settings in a template and you're done. That's what templates are for. You
    shouldn't need to change a setting in a new file, it ought to already suit
    your standards.

    If you want to change an existing drawing, then I'd wonder why the existing
    drawing was that way, and what impact you're having by making that change.
    I'm resitant to having ANY variable setting changed automatically upon
    opening a drawing. I want to exert that kind of control manually. At most,
    I've run lisps which simply checked the stauts of certain variables, and
    alerted me to unusual settings. But I've never found it necessary to have a
    drawing altered on being opened. The apparent need to do that has always
    been a sign that something else needed to be changed, usually the way in
    which drawings were being created.

    Besides, once you "fix" a drawing with the wrong setting, it never needs
    fixing again, so there's no need to run a fixer-upper forever. If you need
    to fix the setting in a finite number of files, I'd make a toolbar button
    for the task. The macro would be something like 'ltscale;1;
    Tom Smith, Dec 17, 2004
  5. spectrefish

    BillZ Guest

    You're welcome.

    BillZ, Dec 17, 2004
  6. spectrefish

    spectrefish Guest

    Thanks Tom, I appreciate your advice. This is merely a temporary thing for a certain set of drawings. Then I will remove it from my startup suite.
    spectrefish, Dec 17, 2004
  7. spectrefish

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    If it´s only temporary, then place it in the startup of appload. Give it a
    file name like "ltsc1.lsp" and merely load it. With just the one line of
    code, it will execute. If no other code is in place like (princ) you will
    see the return of the system variable change on screen.
    Bill DeShawn, Dec 18, 2004
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