Anyone exporting VRML

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by David Hampson, Feb 27, 2004.

  1. Hi all,
    I've generated an assembly of a computer and attempted to export it
    as VRML for web based viewing. When I "Save As..." using the assembly as
    the exported model, the *.wrl file named the same as the assembly is empty
    and I get a whole lot of other *.wrl files named after each part. Loading
    up the "master" *.wrl file, the assembly named one, shows nothing. If I
    include all of the parts in the one file, I get something but a good
    proportion of the parts are missing or incomplete. For example, the
    motherboard part is missing all of the slots for the cards to sit in and
    the monitor part only has the stand and no screen.

    If I in turn load up each part, the motherboard for example, and
    export a VRML file for the individual part, everything seems to be there
    but the colours can be all wrong...

    Has anyone had any experience with the VRML export from SW and what
    are their views?

    David Hampson, Feb 27, 2004
  2. David Hampson

    Brian Bahr Guest

    Brian Bahr, Feb 27, 2004
  3. Mike J. Wilson, Feb 27, 2004
  4. Paul Salvador, Feb 28, 2004
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