anyone else tired of this....?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Zander, Oct 16, 2005.

  1. Zander

    Zander Guest

    SW explorer.

    open assembly,select copy, copy children, find where used. You find a
    multi page drawing that has drawing view derived from the assembly and
    drawing views derived from individual parts in the assembly. You copy
    this assembly to a new folder including all children with a new suffix
    like "rev 2".

    When you open the copied version of the drawing any views that were
    created from parts are still looking at the original parts requiring
    you to rename the original folder and refind the newly copied parts one
    by one as you open the drawing.

    Zander, Oct 16, 2005
  2. Zander

    John Layne Guest

    John Layne, Oct 17, 2005
  3. Ummm, I can't reproduce that problem as described. I've been using SW
    Explorer for some time and it seems to work fine, at least in this
    instance. The only problems I ever have are upstream drawings. Ie. You
    have a seperate drawing for one of the parts that you want to copy as
    well as the assembly and assembly drawing where it's used. You need to
    Copy the main drawing, assy and child parts. Then copy the second
    drawing afterwards pointing it to whatever new part it should be
    looking at.

    It looks like you're copying the top level assembly and then trying to
    point the drawing at it. You should be using Sw Explorer to copy the
    drawing and it's child components.
    rockstarwallyMYAPPENDIX, Oct 17, 2005
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