Anyone doing this - POSER to SolidWorks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mike Tripoli, May 21, 2004.

  1. Mike Tripoli

    Mike Tripoli Guest


    Anyone here doing anything like this? I am working on some
    product that uses characters "designed" in Poser 4. Poser outputs a
    polygonal mesh. Using PolyTrans, I can convert this into a number of
    different formats, including IGES (we'll get to that) as well as STL.

    I open the STL file in SolidWorks (as a Surface Body, Solid
    Body crashes and Graphics Body does not help me).

    Jumping ahead to the real problem. I need to get the "doll
    parts" into SW so that I can do different things like add details for
    manufacturing, etc. I have seen software like GeoMagic and RapidForm
    that can convert from a polygon mesh to a flavored IGES, but at
    upwards of $20,000.00 cost. Frankly, if this is the only way to do
    this, I'll pop for the software, as I have a lot of this type of work
    to do. But if there is a way to do this without this expense, well...
    The IGES output from PolyTrans isn't much liked by SW, and I am not
    familiar enough with IGES to know exactly what SW is expecting. All
    the switches I have tried seem to crash in one way or another.

    At the very least, I would like to bring in the STL, re-size
    it to make "presentable" in an assembly (to show, well, assembly of
    the unit) without crashing SW. Is there a way to convert the STL to
    surfaces or something (?) that I can manipulate in SW?

    Thank you as always for any help.

    Mike T.
    Mike Tripoli, May 21, 2004
  2. Mike Tripoli

    Deri Jones Guest

    Have a look at the Deep Exploration software - they have a CAD plugin for
    Solidworks and the STL support is pretty good going from Solidworks to Maya
    There is a fully useable 30day download at
    Deri Jones, May 21, 2004
  3. Mike Tripoli

    Mike Tripoli Guest

    Maybe I wasn't clear: I need to go from polygonal mesh TO Solidworks
    native (as close as possible to something that I can work with IN
    Solidworks). PolyTrans will convert Solidworks native files to about
    every poly mesh format there is...

    Mike Tripoli, May 21, 2004
  4. Hi Mike,

    This may not have a chance in hell of working, but what about poser
    output to DXF, which in poser 5 will output a mesh of solid faces,
    then use AutoCad's iges translator to output to iges?

    Obviously this hinges on having a seat of acad & iges output. I will
    try this next week to see if it pans out (not at acad workstation
    right now).

    I have the same problem Poser doesn't read any solidworks output and
    vise versa. Alternately something that reads & writes DXF & IGES -
    possibly a bunch out there that could do it. Unfortunately Solidworks
    cannot read the 3D faces from a DXF file, but it can read in the 3d
    wireframe if you can get the faces to output to lines - I used corel
    10 (LOL!) for that.

    I'm curious to see what you find - keep us posted.


    Sean-Michael Adams, May 22, 2004
  5. Mike Tripoli

    MM Guest


    Going from SW to polymesh is a snap, it's just a faceted approximation.
    Going the other way is an order of magnitude more difficult. You have to
    approximate smooth surfaces that lie on the facet vertices. then there's the
    problem of determining where the surface boundaries will be. At best you end
    up with an approximation of an approximation.

    Software that does this semi automatically is very expensive, as you've
    found out. You might want to check and see if Rhino can do this manually.


    MM, May 22, 2004
  6. Mike Tripoli

    Muggs Guest

    Hello Mike,

    I'm no expert, but I have done a lot of this.
    Basically what PolyTrans does, when outputting a mesh as an IGES, is put a
    flat triangular surface on each of the triangles in the mesh. As you can
    imagine, that could potentially be a very large amount of surfaces.

    In my former position I worked a lot with GeoMagic, and although it is
    expensive it is an awesome program for exactly what you want to do.
    I have access to an older version of GeoMagic and would be happy to do
    something simple to show you what can be accomplished.

    If your interested email me directly,
    Muggs, May 22, 2004
  7. Hi Mike,

    I gave one message earlier, but I was able to use this to get a single
    surface into solidworks.

    DXF out of poser -> into polytran demo -> .stl then into SW as a

    I'm not sure if you have the "full" polytran, but since i was in demo,
    I lost every 5th polygon and thats why I think I was not able to get
    it to knit into a solid. This might work if the surface mesh has no
    interuptions like in my demo generated file.

    It's worth a try.


    Sean-Michael Adams, May 22, 2004
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