Anybody to give some points for the drawing coordination

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jithu, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. Jithu

    Jithu Guest

    This is to submit my project director to get an opportunity as a
    drawing coordinator for an industrial city project. I prefer to get
    some points of how to coordinate infrastructure, utilities and civil
    Jithu, Jul 24, 2007
  2. Jithu

    Modat22 Guest

    Only advice I would give you is to have a good set of standards and
    make sure everyone follows them. Also ask if they have input on the

    Make sure everyone gets updates to plans in a timely fashion without
    getting new plans every other day etc. Constant changes invite change
    order mistakes.
    Modat22, Jul 24, 2007
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