Anybody know an easy way to model a SINE Wave?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by js, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. js

    js Guest

    I need to model a spider for a loudspeaker. The spider consists of
    concentric sine wave convolutions, which vary in height and pitch. This
    model needs to be fairly accurate so I can determine the height of the
    curve wall where a large hole of a give diameter will be punched in the
    center. The part already exists, so I know the various pitch and
    heights along the wave crests.
    Short of calculating numbers all day, is there a shortcut? Jack
    js, Feb 8, 2009
  2. js

    That70sTick Guest

    The profile of a helix is a sine curve.
    That70sTick, Feb 8, 2009
  3. js

    manager Guest




    In a sketch draw a circle the diameter of which is the peak to peak
    amplitude of the sine wave needed.
    Draw a horizontal line from the center of the circle the length of which
    is one wave length of the desired sine curve.
    Using a polygon feature insert a polygon into the circle with enough
    vertices to provide the accuracy you need. 8 or 12 vertices is usually
    Divide the horizontal line into as many equal segments as there are
    vertices on the polygon.
    Constrain points corresponding to the polygons vertices and the points
    on the horizontal curve and connect with a spline.

    It seems to me that SW also included the ability to construct a curve
    from an equation in 2009.
    manager, Feb 10, 2009
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