Any way to view external relations that relate to the current sketch.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Joe Sloppy, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. Joe Sloppy

    Joe Sloppy Guest

    When attempting to suppress a feature that is being referenced by
    another features sketch via a relation, the following error is shown:

    You attempted to change a field that is currently locked by a design
    table.... Blah blah blah

    The second feature that has the sketch that relates to the first
    feature is design table controlled. Whether the design table is locked
    or not, it does not matter, you get the same error. The solution is to
    find the sketch with the relation that is referencing the feature and
    sketch you are trying to suppress. The way to do this that I can think
    of is look at the parent child window to see what its relationships
    are. It would be nice however to see these relations that are referring
    to it in the relations window in the sketch. You can check the sketches
    external relations but not relations from other sketches that are
    referring to it. Maybe this could be added in a future release. Correct
    me if I am wrong but I see no other way to find external relations that
    are referring to your current sketch but by the parent child window.
    Now in an assembly, mates are seen no mater what part you choose, you
    see any mates referring to those parts, it would be nice if sketch
    relations operated this way too.
    Joe Sloppy, Oct 19, 2005
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