Any way to slant a circle

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by chunk, Feb 15, 2005.

  1. chunk

    chunk Guest

    Using Autocad LT 2002... Is there any way to draw a circle
    then skew or slant it? A person doing some work for me
    took a ellipse and tilted it but it is not the same as
    a skew circle. They said autocad could not skew a circle.
    Like if you took a box and pushed the top sideways to make
    a parallelogram, and within that box there was a circle
    and it skew along with the box. The result should not
    be a tilted ellipse. Hope I am making myself clear
    as I am not a cad expert.
    chunk, Feb 15, 2005
  2. chunk

    gruhn Guest

    A person doing some work for me
    Admittedly not the best test and certainly not a rigorous mathematical
    proof, but...

    Quick checking in Photoshop, I'm not sure that you are correct. I think a
    skew circle may well be an ellipse. At first I intuited that you were right.
    If you don't _know_ that it is so, I suggest looking in to it.
    gruhn, Feb 15, 2005
  3. A circle viewed on an angle is indeed an ellipse.
    The question might be whether acad gives you a true ellipse or not.
    I believe it has depends on the version, and very old versions
    used to approximate ellipses with splines.
    Michael Bulatovich, Feb 15, 2005
  4. chunk

    chunk Guest

    It may be the same if you can position it correctly but to skew
    it, the bottom centerline needs anchored then skewed. If you make
    an ellipse I don't know how you find the orignal centerline since
    it will not be the same point as the lowest point touching some
    imaginary axis.
    chunk, Feb 15, 2005
  5. chunk

    cadcoke3 Guest

    I think what you are wanting is the iso snap feature. This is a
    sub-command of the grid snap. It was made to facilitate isometric flat
    cadcoke3, Feb 15, 2005
  6. chunk

    gruhn Guest

    It may be the same if you can position it correctly but to skew
    I get you. Yeah, I was only addressing the "is or is not an ellipse" part of
    what you wrote. I was focusing on "make the shape" but you have a specific
    need to "skew this circle" not "make some shape like a skewed circle". For
    that, I'm sorry but I can't help you. You could approximate it with a many
    sided n-gon and then stretching by different amounts to the side. That would
    probably give you something that looked nasty and would take a long time. If
    it is an ongoing need, it might be time to work out the math and write your
    own (sorry, I totally couldn't help with the math). If it is a one off need,
    you might be able to do it in Illustrator (or similar) and bring the shape
    into ACAD.

    I'm presuming that since I can't do it in ACAD it can't be done in ACAD LT.
    gruhn, Feb 15, 2005
  7. chunk

    gruhn Guest

    I think what you are wanting is the iso snap feature. This is a
    Good question, OP, _why_ are you trying to make this shape?
    gruhn, Feb 15, 2005
  8. chunk

    chunk Guest

    Uhhhh... I gotta go.... <runs away quickly>

    hahaha Just kidding... Making a logo.
    chunk, Feb 16, 2005
  9. chunk

    gruhn Guest

    hahaha Just kidding... Making a logo.

    So, you should be working in Illustrator anyway... ;-)
    gruhn, Feb 16, 2005
  10. chunk

    gruhn Guest

    good old days of HAND drwing see the attached in jpg format

    I had a drafting teacher who insisted that an ellipse _is_ four arcs. Not
    "could be poorly faked with" but actually really and truly _is_. I stopped
    listening to him and taught myself to draw.
    gruhn, Feb 16, 2005
  11. An ellipse is 4 arcs. two equal arcs on the minor axis and two equal
    arcs on the major axis

    However here is something you can try for the slanting circle question

    - DRAW a square made of ploylines. You can use the REC command
    - Type PEDIT and select the square.
    - Type S for Spline.
    - Now click on the spline and stretch the grips to get the shape that
    you want.

    Visits my web site for more

, Feb 18, 2005
  12. chunk

    Paul Turvill Guest

    No, it's not. An ellipse may be *approximated* by four arcs, but it is
    *only* an approximation.
    Paul Turvill, Feb 18, 2005
  13. chunk

    gruhn Guest

    An ellipse is 4 arcs. two equal arcs on the minor axis and two equal
    No, it isn't.
    That works pretty good. It even gives the non-perpendicular axes that I had
    expected when I did it in my brain (rather than the PShop experiment.)
    gruhn, Feb 18, 2005
  14. If you don't mind can you tell me from what book your examples came


    Patrick T. Caezza, Feb 18, 2005
  15. chunk

    chunk Guest

    What if you didn't want to use a spline?
    chunk, Feb 18, 2005
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