Any Video Tutorials covering different Surfacing basics?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Erika Layne, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. Erika Layne

    Cliff Guest

    Such as providing clues?
    Cliff, Jun 10, 2007
  2. Erika Layne

    Cliff Guest

    There may have been puzzling "instructions" in the box that the
    Etch-A-Sketch came in ...
    Cliff, Jun 10, 2007
  3. Erika Layne

    Cliff Guest

    They got you a smaller broom or a new mop & bucket
    Cliff, Jun 10, 2007
  4. Erika Layne

    Cliff Guest

    They don't want to pay an added $30,000 for a year's
    worth of videos & games for you to whine about while you
    waste time & make scrap?
    Cliff, Jun 10, 2007
  5. Erika Layne

    Cliff Guest

    No more free demo disks? LOL ...
    Cliff, Jun 10, 2007
  6. Erika Layne

    Cliff Guest

    Usually takes them about 60 days to catch on IIRC.
    Cliff, Jun 10, 2007
  7. Erika Layne

    Cliff Guest

    IOW Evasion ... as usual.
    Cliff, Jun 10, 2007
  8. Erika Layne

    Cliff Guest

    A set of values input by the CNC machine's operator. CAD/CAM & CAM
    systems can say which ones to use (& turn them on & off) but not the values
    of the data in their registers/offsets.

    He has local CAD, CAD/CAM or CAM graphics user tools (such as work
    coordinate or machine coordinate systems) confused with
    CNC machine fixture offsets.

    Confusion probably comes from two diferent uses by some or
    multiple vendors of "work coordinate". He's utterly clueless,
    as usual. Not an actual user of much & it always shows in the end.
    Cliff, Jun 10, 2007
  9. Erika Layne

    Cliff Guest

    Not in any way your fault and you had a valid
    question/issue, within limits.
    You seem to be an interested student & it seems that
    your school may have taken the "canned videos are cheaper than
    instructors that know" approach. Plus, there is always niche
    knowledge & "Call the free demonstrator".

    But I'd hate to listen to 2,000 hours of videos at 30 words
    per minute when I can read much faster just for some basics ...
    Does having an actual system to use have much to do with this?
    With one you can test & see, videos may otherwise just be
    "academic" for those without access to a degree. Perhaps
    better than nothing in some cases but ... those cases probably
    all assume that there *will* be a system later. Or can be
    considered as introductions to basic concepts? That's good too,
    IF you later use such. Else you wasted your time & money perhaps ..
    though education is probably always good .... and jb badly needs some.
    Cliff, Jun 10, 2007
  10. Erika Layne

    brewertr Guest

    Your trolling your own statement Cliff, that's not what Jon wrote and
    posted and you know it.

    brewertr, Jun 10, 2007
  11. Erika Layne

    Cliff Guest

    Feel free to explain what fixture offsets really are and
    why you need user NAMED CAM-system-side coordinate
    He has no clues. Think about it.
    Did you miss a lot of his posts?
    Cliff, Jun 10, 2007
  12. Erika Layne

    brewertr Guest

    Jon never said what you attribute to him, you made it up and your now
    trolling your own statement not something Jon actually wrote.
    Already covered in alt.machines.cnc where it belongs.

    brewertr, Jun 10, 2007
  13. Erika Layne

    Cliff Guest

    Let me rephrase that *slightly* for more clarity:
    "He has local CAD, CAD/CAM or CAM graphics user tools (such as local
    CAD work coordinate or CAM-side machining coordinate systems)
    confused with CNC machine tool fixture offsets."

    Cliff, Jun 10, 2007
  14. Erika Layne

    Cliff Guest

    What might that be?
    I read about all of his priceless posts I think. Have you?
    Tried telling him that?
    But he still seems clueless.
    Sig ...
    Cliff, Jun 10, 2007
  15. Erika,

    Don't feel bad. There is nothing any of us can do to stop cliff and jon from
    replying to our threads. You asked a perfectly good question and got some
    fine answers. Tough luck about the not-so-fine answers, but that's what
    happens here on the bad days.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jun 12, 2007
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