any trick to stop FM expanding?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by daniel, Feb 16, 2005.

  1. daniel

    daniel Guest

    Just doing a drawing with many sheets, and it is driving me nuts that
    each sheet keeps expanding when I close them - usually on save or
    rebuild. Very annoying. I know this has been around for a while, but
    maybe I missed a setting, or a key combo that solves this. Thanks for
    solutions if you know one!

    daniel, Feb 16, 2005
  2. daniel

    P. Guest

    It is one of the things shown to SW upper mgmnt during the 3 Amigos
    trip. However, the majority of users aren't bothered by this behavior
    of the Feature Manager.
    P., Feb 16, 2005
  3. daniel

    daniel Guest

    Oh really. Oh. silly me. :)

    Another question:
    I do not remember seeing this before - the BOM is shown in the feature
    manager at the same level as the primary page/sheet. So if you move the
    sheet to a different position in the FM, the BOM stays in the same
    place in the FM. I do not remember seeing that before. I thought the
    BOM would be indented under the sheet it is associated with, no?
    However, I cannot move the BOM in the FM... so now the sheets and BOMs
    are out of order - but it does not appear to change the BOM display on
    the sheet. seems odd.

    daniel, Feb 16, 2005
  4. daniel

    daniel Guest

    stranger still: I tried changing the position of each sheet by dragging
    the tabs at the bottom of the window to see if that behaves
    differently. It does. As soon as I did one, all of the BOMs jumped to
    the top of the FM and are now grouped together. Hmmm. Now I am not sure
    what was normal.
    daniel, Feb 16, 2005
  5. daniel

    FrankW Guest

    I agree!
    FrankW, Feb 16, 2005
  6. daniel

    BEN EADIE Guest

    Ok there is a bar at the top of the feature manager if you drag it down it
    will show you two identical FM's. Hit esc a couple of times and right click
    in an open space in the FM of each FM and choose 'collapse items' and voila
    no more phantom expansions. Seems that if both are not collapsed on the
    rebuild the other will expand to match the other. Kind of a pain but it
    quells my soul...

    You can see a picture of this FM bar at:

    BEN EADIE, Feb 16, 2005
  7. daniel

    daniel Guest

    Yes, I know the split bar, and I will test that. the explanation that
    if one is collapsed the other will not pop open makes some convoluted
    sense, in the buggy software way....

    Thanks for the trick,

    daniel, Feb 17, 2005
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