any suggestions preventing crash to desktop?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by joe, Apr 18, 2004.

  1. joe

    joe Guest

    I have an assembly made out of 40 or so parts (made in solidworks 2003 sp2.
    All I want to do is change a hole created with hole wizard, from being a
    straight through hole into a 100 degree c'sunk hole. I've tried 2 methods to
    accomplish this: I've tried editing the part while still in the assembly in
    witch it appears. I then right click on the hole that I wish to change and
    select edit definition. Doing so brings up the opportunity to change the
    hole spec, I switch it to countersink by selecting the tab, then solidworks
    looks like it's going to do what I ask, but instead, after about 15 seconds,
    or so, it crashes to desktop. The second method that I've tried was to do
    the same procedure as before, with the only difference being that instead of
    editing the part that contains the holes that I want to change, while still
    in the assembly, I open the part with the holes in its own window, close
    down the assembly that it appears in, then edit the hole's definition in the
    newly opened window, but the same ctd happens (clicking on any of the tabs
    in the edit definition dialog box makes sw2003 sp2 crash to desktop. Any
    suggestions, that help prevent me having to delete the whole pattern, would
    be appreciated.
    joe, Apr 18, 2004
  2. Any chance of updating to SP5.1? Don't know if that will fix it, but I
    would certainly try that first.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 19, 2004
  3. joe

    joe Guest

    solidworks is weird, because I've done the procedures stated below multiple
    times; 2 days in a row. Suddenly on the 3rd day I repeat the same procedure
    that I've done the earlier 2 days, and now it does what I wanted it to do in
    the 1st place. When Solidquerks crashed trying to edit the hole's
    specifications before, I restarted my computer, thinking that doing so freed
    up memory, but no such luck, it still crashed. Finally on the 3rd day it
    finally did it without crashing.
    joe, Apr 21, 2004
  4. Too weird! Did you get up one the other side of the bed that morning???

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 21, 2004
  5. joe

    joe Guest

    who knows
    joe, Apr 22, 2004
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