any simple flow from VHDL to technology ?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by N. Hervé, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. N. Hervé

    N. Hervé Guest

    Hi everyone !

    I'm quite lost in the forest of all cadence softwares ...

    I want to use a top-down methology, from behavioural VHDL to a given
    technology (layout)
    for digital circuits.
    So first, I think I need some High Level Compiler to obtain RTL-VHDL,
    and then a RTL compiler to map the choosen technology.
    After that, I will do some timing and power analysis to identify the
    bottlenecks and
    then refine the design in instanciating custom design blocks.

    Can someone point at what I should first have a look for my need.

    Thank you.

    P.S.: I prefer command line tools to clickmachine (GUI)
    N. Hervé, Apr 19, 2007
  2. N. Hervé

    N. Hervé Guest

    Please ...
    N. Hervé, Apr 24, 2007
  3. I think you will have to ask Cadence sales for a little help, here.
    Most digital designers frown upon Cadence tools for digital, and
    specially upon Cadence and VHDL. (Cadence favors Verilog, the enemy of
    VHDL, you know). I heard from a friend that Cadence is soooo keen on
    pushing their tools into the digital domain. Your problem is that
    sales at Cadence don't seem to mingle in comp.cad.cadence.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Apr 30, 2007
  4. Well, Cadence's digital simulator, ncsim, supports VHDL, and always has done.
    Prior to that Cadence had a VHDL-specific simulator, leapfrog.

    From the synthesis point of view, Cadence has a tool "RTL Compiler" which will
    equally well support VHDL. Prior to that there was BuildGates which also
    supported VHDL.

    At the implementation phase (Encounter), you need a connectivity netlist, and
    for that it would be Verilog (Verilog is more commonly used for gate level
    netlists than VHDL), but since Synthesis tools (RTL Compiler included) can read
    VHDL and spit out Verilog, this shouldn't be a problem.

    I don't think Cadence particularly favours Verilog over VHDL - support is fairly
    good within the tools - the level of support of each tends to follow the size of
    the user base of the two languages.

    Cadence have supported digital tools for as long as Cadence has existed, so
    pushing them into the digital domain is hardly a new idea ;-> After all, Verilog
    itself came from Gateway (which became part of Cadence back in 1988 or there
    abouts), and Cadence have always had digital implementation tools with a good
    market share. I think your "most digital designers" is not that accurate...

    (I didn't respond to the question earlier primarily because I've been busy and
    I'm more of a Custom IC guy..., but wanted to respond to this slightly cynical


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 30, 2007
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