Any sample models (assemblies) with parametric parts (easily customizable)?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SW Monkey, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    Im looking for any example assemblies with parametric parts. I saw a
    conveyor example years ago where you change a couple of values, and a
    number of parts changed.

    Im trying to get ideas on whats the best way to do a parametric
    assembly that is easily customizable. I know there are different ways
    to doing this.

    1. Equations
    2. Assembly Sketch
    3. 3D sketchs
    4. All or a combination of the above

    If anyone has any suggestions/tips/examples, please post. Thanks.
    SW Monkey, Aug 3, 2005
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