(Another) SW Custom Properties Editor

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Vinodh Kumar M, Oct 12, 2003.

  1. Hi again all you SW fans,

    I (now) have a SW Custom Properties Editor that I (and my friends) use
    for all my (our) documentation.

    Just email me at and I will mail you
    the editor along with the source code. You may have to edit the source
    code for your application.

    No, this is not spam or virus!


    Vinodh Kumar M.
    Vinodh Kumar M, Oct 12, 2003
  2. Mr. Jenkinson!

    All my mails to you have been returned undelivered. Can I mail you
    at some alternate address?


    Vinodh Kumar M.
    Vinodh Kumar M, Oct 13, 2003
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