Annoying Design Table problem

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bullman, Sep 21, 2003.

  1. Bullman

    Bullman Guest


    I am trying to create a design table that determines an angle between two

    I want the range of configurations to include:
    a) the "nominal" coincident state between the two planes (angle 0)
    b) a "positive" range of angles in one direction (from angle 0 to +ve x
    c) a "negative" range of angles in the opposite direction (from angle 0
    to -ve x degrees)

    As we know, SW does not handle -ve dimensional values. I therefore can not
    create just a single angular mate between the two planes and populate the
    Design Table with -ve numbers to get my -ve angle configurations.
    I have tried to define a second angular mate to handle the -ve angle
    configurations. I did this by rotating the planes until they were in
    the -ve angular position. I tried to suppress the -ve mate & activate the
    +ve mate when defining the coincident and +ve angle configurations and
    suppress the +ve mate and activate the -ve mate when defining the -ve angle

    This still doesn't work. Seems that "flip dimension" does not help out as I
    thought it would.

    Has anyone got a work-around for this?


    Bullman, Sep 21, 2003
  2. Bullman

    Habib Guest

    Hello - the solidworks is happy to make the mates going from the 0 to the
    360, but not the bad angles (negative are bad).

    The table you are making can make different basepoint and then subtract to
    make apparently angle negative.

    Your table/model
    180 in table = to nominal in models
    360 = to maximal angles
    0 = to minimals.

    Thus your problem is made to go away by making the table basepoint to be 180
    offset from model. This tables can calcualte this, so you make it accept
    the values you are wanting to inputs and make model recieve table states.
    table will command model to move to you desired zero by setting actual value
    to 180, max in the model is 360 in the table and so forth and so onward.

    See how by placing the angle offset between the design table and model you
    can affectively make a negative angles.

    Thank you very much please!!!!

    Habib, Sep 21, 2003
  3. Bullman

    kema Guest

    This still doesn't work. Seems that "flip dimension" does not help out as I
    Why not just convert -5 into 355degrees?

    Or have you tried choosing Aligned or Anti-Aligned instead of Flip
    Dimension for the 2nd mate? It'll probably do what you want but
    instead of putting in 5 for you desired -5 value, you'll have to play
    around with it and see which of these will give you that angle (5,
    175, 185, 395, or even possibly 75, 85, 265, or 275). I never know
    what combination of Aligned/Anti-Aligned/Flip Dimension will yield
    what angular dimension, it's all trial and error.

    kema, Sep 21, 2003
  4. Bullman

    Bullman Guest

    The table you are making can make different basepoint and then subtract to
    Thanks Habib, I did end up doing that, but reluctantly. It does work but
    the whole point of it all was to make the controlling parameters in the
    Design Table the same as what your refer to them in real life.
    In real life, the assembly has planes which are defined by the magnitude of
    angle away from the "0 degree" in the "positive" and "negative" directions.
    Now I have to control my model using "indirect" dimensional values.

    It would be good perhaps if in the design table, the "direction" of the
    dimensional parameter could be toggled.

    Bullman, Sep 21, 2003
  5. Bullman

    Bullman Guest

    I thought about that. But the thing is that you would still have to call up
    the Design Table inbetween edits to view the effects of possibly the many
    changes you may be making to the assembly. I also lock the Design Table so
    that changes can not be transfered to the Design Table from the assembly
    (only from within the Design Table itself) as I want to be sure that I am
    just altering unrestrained parameters.

    If a "Key Parameter" window stayed permanently up and updated automatically,
    intergotaion of an assembly would be much easier.


    Bullman, Sep 22, 2003
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