Animator Questions

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Corey Scheich, Apr 22, 2004.

  1. I tried the help but nada.

    When editing a path there is a checkbox labeled "Solve" what does this
    actually do?

    The project I am working on is getting really sloooooooowwww and C h O
    p P y during traversal of a single path or the whole animation, so much so
    that I see the first frame maybe 1 or 2 middle frames and the last frame of
    a 30 second animation. I have to resort to recording an AVI each time I
    want to view a sequence. Is this just something I have to deal with or is
    there a way to make it play smoother?

    Is there a way to keep it from starting playback immediately after bringing
    up the Animation Controller, this is quite annoying since my computer is
    lagging during the above mentioned traversals and playback?

    Well I am sure I have more questions so please excuse if I add another post

    Corey Scheich, Apr 22, 2004
  2. When editing a path, and you select the Forward/Reverse path butons,
    the "Solve" checkbox will update the graphics window when enabled.
    This has been how I've always done it.
    It used to be that whatever FPS you recorded last, was the default FPS for
    playing. It looks like it's different now.
    I haven't figured out a way, however what you can possibly do as a
    workaround is to have your very first path set to start at say three or
    four seconds. All your other paths would start after that.

    When you click on the "Play" button, you would have time to hit the
    "Stop" button before the parts begin to move around.

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Apr 22, 2004
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