Animation Question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SuperCow, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. SuperCow

    SuperCow Guest

    I'm a freshman in college, taking a class on SolidEdge. This is the
    closest forum I could find to SolidEdge, so please keep the ranting to
    a minimum. :) Anyhow, I was wondering if the animating part of
    SolidEdge is a full-scale physics simulator. Like, for instance, could
    you put in gravity and have a marble roll around and be pushed by
    various moving objects? My thinking is no it's not, but it doesn't
    hurt to double check with people who know. Thanks!!
    SuperCow, Mar 21, 2007
  2. SuperCow

    Cliff Guest

    Actually, with a legal copy (which you may well have), there may be
    access for you at ....

    Cliff, Mar 21, 2007
  3. SuperCow

    SuperCow Guest

    ummm....okay. What exactly is that and how does it help me exactly?
    SuperCow, Mar 21, 2007
  4. SuperCow

    Cliff Guest

    You should find the official SolidEdge "forum" there.

    Cliff, Mar 21, 2007
  5. SuperCow

    SuperCow Guest

    Ah. Thanks. I'll see what I can find out.
    SuperCow, Mar 22, 2007
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