Animation in Autocad 2004

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Tigrou, Sep 28, 2005.

  1. Tigrou

    Tigrou Guest

    Hi, I use Autocad 2004 in order to realise plan 3D of structure as
    building, house...With the fonction "Orbite 3D", I can easily to make
    turn my object in 3D. What I would like now is to register a sequency
    in order to realise a diaporama for example with the software
    Powerpoint, only turning and zooming. Do you know if it exists a
    fonction appropriate in Autocad 2004 or if I have to use an animation
    software? If it's the ultimate case, do you know an animation software
    free y easy to use?
    Thank you for your reponse!!
    Tigrou, Sep 28, 2005
  2. Tigrou

    Marc Clamage Guest

    I'm not sure if you can do this in plain vanilla AutoCAD, but in
    Architectural Desktop you can insert a camera object. As an example of a
    simple animation you can set up, draw a circle around your model at an
    elevation of 5' or so (in other words, at eye level). Insert a camera
    (doesn't matter where), then right click it and select "Create Animation."
    Select the circle as the animation path, then select a point within the
    model as the viewing target. Set the number of frames (list your circle to
    find its circumference and use that as a basis for determining the number of
    frames--if it's 500 feet and you want a frame every 2 feet, you'd set it to
    250) and frame rate (I believe 24 fps is the maximum, 15 is usually
    adequate). Set the display type to Hidden and let 'er rip. AutoCAD will
    create a hidden line AVI file of your animation. I usually set the
    background color to white and make all the lines black. Warning: the output
    file is going to be huge, so don't run AutoCAD full screen while you're
    doing this. The big advantage is that you'll get an animation really fast,
    maybe just a few minutes if the model is small and the line hiding is rapid,
    so if you're not happy with the results, just tweak your parameters and try

    Marc Clamage, Sep 30, 2005
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