Animating a sail being unfurled...any ideas???

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rich D, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. Rich D

    Rich D Guest

    I need to create an animation of a sail being furled and unfurled
    around a mast. The only idea I have is to create multiple
    configurations of the sail in different states of being unfurled. Does
    anyone have any other ideas of how to show this. I need to show this in
    a presentation.
    Rich D, Sep 26, 2006
  2. Rich D

    jhowe Guest

    Animation apps like 3ds max or Maya have built-in cloth simulation
    tools and could do this for you. I don't think SolidWorks has anything
    like this, but if there is 3rd party tool, I don't know how it would
    fit into the rendering pipeline. Even cloth sim tools need a lot of
    finesse work to get what you want.

    If you are using a video editor, you could build the various
    configurations of the sail, render still images at 2 to 5 second
    intervals and crossfade between them. By fading between the still
    images, you will give the audience a sense of time-lapse and continuity
    without having to build hundreds of configurations. Doing this, the
    final presentation format would likely have to be video (Quicktime or
    Windows Media?)

    jhowe, Sep 26, 2006
  3. Rich D

    John Layne Guest

    Check out

    Page 4 has an animated flag and on page 5 "Unwindable Spirals", either maybe
    useful to you.

    John Layne
    John Layne, Sep 26, 2006
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