animate sheet metal in act of folding?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Zander, Feb 17, 2004.

  1. Zander

    Zander Guest

    Just wondering how such a thing could be done, can't think of anything
    other than a macro to change the bend angle from full to flat and grab
    still images in between rebuilds.

    Sounds cumbersome....

    Zander, Feb 17, 2004
  2. Zander

    Krister L Guest

    I have an example here from a guy in the NG.....think it was Arto.....which
    shows this.....I could zip it and mail it over

    Krister L
    Krister L, Feb 17, 2004
  3. Zander

    Todd Guest

    Using SolidWorks Animator:

    1. create configs suppressing one (or mulitple) bends at a time (use design
    table for quickness)

    2. Activate all configs one at a time to load into memory

    3. start animator's "screen capture" feature.

    4. activate the configs one at a time to illustrate folding process.

    5. stop screen capture and enjoy ;)

    Todd, Feb 17, 2004
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