Analog fault simulation using Spectre

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by vedank, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. vedank

    vedank Guest


    I want to use spectre (from command line) for analog fault simulation.
    I have a spectre netlist file (e.g. input.scs) which contains some
    values in terms of parameters. (e.g. R1 = 1000*a, C1 = b*1e-6) Now i
    want to have a file which will have the fault list(e.g. a=1 b=1, a=1.5
    b=1, a=1 b=1.5, a=0.8 b=1.2 ...) Spectre should take this file and
    simulate the same circuit (input.scs) the required number of times,
    each time taking the specified set of values of a and b.

    Is this possible, and if yes, how? I am using spectre 5.0.
    vedank, Mar 11, 2005
  2. vedank

    S. Badel Guest

    what you are describing is called "parameters" in spectre jargon.
    iterating over a set of parameter is called a "sweep" in spectre jargon,
    or a "parametric analysis" in analog design environment.

    try doing spectre -h sweep

    to take the input from a file, put the sweep definition in an include file
    S. Badel, Mar 11, 2005
  3. In particular you probably want to create a paramset and then
    sweep that. You'd do something like this:

    mydata paramset {
    a b
    1 1
    1.5 1
    1 1.5
    0.8 1.2

    datasweep sweep paramset=mydata {
    // analyses within the sweep
    tran tran stop=1u
    ac ac start=10 stop=1G dec=20

    Andrew Beckett, Mar 11, 2005
  4. vedank

    vedank Guest

    My problem got solved. Thank you everybody!

    vedank, Mar 22, 2005
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