Analog Environment -> Changes Don't Produce new sim results

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Spaceghost, Jul 22, 2004.

  1. Spaceghost

    Spaceghost Guest

    Hi all, when I use Cadence, I will run a simulation, make a change to my
    schematic, or simulation, and then do a new 'netlist and simulate'. Well, I
    nearly went crazy the other day trying to find out why my changes weren't
    producing the changes I thought they should.

    Cadence will go through the motions, perform a simulation, and the results
    will not change. You can close down the Analog Environment, restart it, and
    run the simulation successfully. This is not the way things should be
    though. Even adding another simulation such as AC will not produce any AC
    results if you started out running DC or transient.

    So, any ideas on what is causing this problem? Again, if I change the
    schematic and try re-running the simulation, it seems to be running the old
    one over again. I am checking and saving my schematic, and I am creating a
    new netlist...!


    Spaceghost, Jul 22, 2004
  2. Spaceghost

    Jim Thompson Guest

    It's Cadence... what else can you say ?:)

    ...Jim Thompson
    | James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
    | Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
    | Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
    | Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
    | E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
    | | 1962 |

    I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
    Jim Thompson, Jul 22, 2004
  3. Spaceghost

    Spaceghost Guest

    Heh heh, yeah, I'm starting to understand the sentiment. However, I'm stuck
    with it... The tools hurt you as often as they help you. :(

    Curse you Cadence!!!

    Spaceghost, Jul 22, 2004
  4. Spaceghost

    S. Badel Guest

    Does the netlist change when you change the schematic or not ?
    What if you use "Recreate Netlist" instead of "Netlist and run" ?

    If your data is stored on a remote machine, the problem could be
    related to different system clocks between the two machines.

    S. Badel, Jul 23, 2004
  5. Spaceghost

    svenn.are Guest

    Do you check and save your toplevel schematic before starting
    Are you changing any referenced libraries?
    Check the input.scs file in the netlist directory in your Project
    directory to see if its date change.
    Do you have any saved simulation data that accidentally get viewed
    instead of your new ones?
    Are you creating the netlist or are you recreating the netlist?
    svenn.are, Jul 23, 2004
  6. Spaceghost

    Spaceghost Guest

    Yes, I checked and saved. Like I said, it appears to netlist and run
    through simulation. I did look at the input.scs file and the netlist was
    changed. For example, a line was in there to run the AC sim, but nothing

    Other members of our group had the problem but didn't fix it. :(

    I'll look into the system clock idea mentioned earlier.
    Spaceghost, Jul 23, 2004
  7. Spaceghost

    Spaceghost Guest

    Yes, I've tried the recreate netlist, plus I've looked at it. The new code
    reflecting the changes is there. I'll investigate the system clock thing.


    Spaceghost, Jul 23, 2004
  8. What version are you using? I've not seen this problem for some considerable

    Andrew (trying to be constructive rather than just Cadence-bashing).
    Andrew Beckett, Jul 23, 2004
  9. Spaceghost

    S. Badel Guest

    obviously the clock trick won't work.
    it could prevent the re-netlisting, if a clock difference
    makes it think the netlist isn't older than the latest schematic.
    if the netlist is correct, then it's not the problem.

    so sad, i remember having had this problem but cannot remember
    if and how i was able to deal with.

    I'll post if it comes back,

    S. Badel, Jul 23, 2004
  10. Spaceghost

    Jay Lessert Guest

    I'm guessing from context you're running in "Analog Environment"
    (artist) and not generic Tools->Simulation mode.

    I've only ever seen the behavior you describe when doing
    "out-of-band" netlist modifications; SKILL that did netlist
    post-processing outside the artist environment. In that case,
    the *still-running* spectre process was simply re-running
    without restarting or re-reading.

    Workaround was just to Simulation->Stop before
    Simulation->Run. I'd be moderately surprised
    if that doesn't work for you while you're pursuing
    a real solution.

    Jay Lessert, Jul 24, 2004
  11. Spaceghost

    Erik Wanta Guest

    See old post entitled "spectre interactive mode". I have seen the
    problem you describe and used spectre.envOpts controlMode 'string
    "batch" to get around it.

    See sourcelink solution #1838156 and #1834453.

    I did file a SR on the topic (SR 32341432) and PCR 564650 was opened.
    I however got tired of trying to get Cadence to reproduce on their end
    as it takes some time before updates stop getting simulated and I
    didn't have a procedure to recreate the problem every time. If you
    have the time please file a SR and get Cadence to reproduce so that
    the spectre interactive mode gets fixed.

    Erik Wanta, Jul 24, 2004
  12. Spaceghost

    Spaceghost Guest

    I believe it's the top of my head.


    Spaceghost, Jul 26, 2004
  13. Spaceghost

    harry Guest

    I had that problem once while using spectre for analog cmos
    designs.Since we didnot have a startupfile ,I was having same problem
    as yours.
    what I did to overcome the problem was,I did "check and save" the
    design after I modified it.Then from simulation dropdown list ,select
    "netlist and run".This will most probably solve your problems.
    If u have to use a "source startup.txt " make sure u use it before
    running simulations.
    harry, Jul 28, 2004
  14. Spaceghost

    Spaceghost Guest

    Hi Harry, I do that routinely, but the changes still don't stick. I've read
    it could have something to do with the license file for reasons that beat

    I don't know what the startup.txt file is. I do have a .cdsenv file...


    Spaceghost, Aug 1, 2004
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