An Interview with Robert Green, Author of "Expert CAD Management"

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Franco Folini, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. I recently interviewed Robert Green, the author of "Expert CAD
    Management", one of the few books available on this topic.
    Robert Green is a well known expert. He writes for Cadalyst Magazine,
    is an invited speaker at the Autodesk University and at several other
    CAD events.
    In order to know more about Robert Green and his book you can read the
    complete interview on the Novedge blog:

    Franco Folini, Jul 24, 2007
  2. Franco Folini

    fcsuper Guest


    There's no reviews about his book on, but over 45 sources
    to by new-used copies. Kinda scary. Do you have any sources that
    have reviewed this book?

    Matt Lorono
    fcsuper, Jul 25, 2007
  3. Matt,
    This is a book for a very narrow (niche) market. I don't think the
    fact that Amazon doesn't have any review tells anything about the
    quality of the book.
    The only additional information about the book is from Shaan Hurley.
    On his blog ("Between the Lines") he has a few comments about the

    Franco Folini, Jul 25, 2007
  4. Franco Folini

    Cliff Guest

    I don't think much of folks still thinking 2D ...
    Cliff, Jul 26, 2007
  5. Franco Folini

    TOP Guest

    Funny how most people wouldn't give the keys to their Mercedes, BMW or
    Cadillac to just anybody, but yet the management of CAD is frequently
    given to those without the skills or vision to really get the most out
    of it.

    This is a welcome subject and one that Jankowski touched on at SWW.

    The funny thing is that if you think with a manager's hat you will
    always stay a year behind in implementation of a release of software
    in today's world.

    TOP, Jul 26, 2007
  6. Franco Folini

    fcsuper Guest

    To add to my concern about the usefulness of this book, I read some of
    the excerpts, and was not impressed.

    fcsuper, Jul 26, 2007
  7. Franco Folini

    jon_banquer Guest

    "To add to my concern about the usefulness of this book, I read some
    the excerpts, and was not impressed."

    "Expert CAD Management" should mean you hold the CADCAM company
    responsible for the nonsense they try and pull.

    You might have to wait for the Jon Banquer Blog to see how I feel
    users are responsible for a good deal of the problems we now have. No
    doubt I'll win lots of friends when I make those comments.

    How about a list of the top ten websites that kiss SolidWorks Corp's

    How about a top ten list of web forums with users who snivel and
    complain but don't really have the fucking balls and the wherewithal
    to force the CADCAM company to be accountable?

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jul 26, 2007
  8. Franco Folini

    fcsuper Guest


    I don't agree with much of what you say, but believe me, when
    SolidWorks pisses me off, my VAR gets an ear full, and the company
    gets almost abusively stated enhancement requests. In one of my
    recent requests, I specifically say the person who was responsible for
    a particular change made to the software should be fired. Besides,
    that, I know they listen cuz many of the suggestions I've personally
    made over the years where made pretty much as I suggested. So, they
    aren't deaf as some may imagine.

    Matt Lorono
    fcsuper, Jul 26, 2007
  9. Franco Folini

    brewertr Guest

    Meaning you are an experienced SolidWorks user that knows what he is

    brewertr, Jul 26, 2007
  10. Franco Folini

    Cliff Guest

    Helps not being clueless.
    Cliff, Jul 27, 2007
  11. Franco Folini

    Cliff Guest

    Is this on your BBS system?

    Cliff, Oct 16, 2007
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