An Interview with Mary Hope McQuiston, Head of DWF Group (Autodesk)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Franco Folini, Aug 24, 2007.

  1. Hi everybody,
    Mary Hope McQuiston is the head of the Autodesk Extended Design Group,
    the group in charge of the DWF products including Design Review,
    Freewheel, and the DWF Toolkit.

    A few days ago, I had the pleasure and honor to interview Mary Hope. I
    asked her a few questions about the differences between PDF 3D and
    DWF, the Autodesk strategy in promoting DWF, and the role of DWF in
    the design and manufacturing processes.

    The complete interview is available on the Novedge blog:

    Franco Folini
    Franco Folini, Aug 24, 2007
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