An answer to Hot Key for Clear selection ...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jiao Qian, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. Jiao Qian

    Jiao Qian Guest

    Don't know how to post a reply.
    Regarding to Mark's question, assigning a hotkey to the following
    simple macro may help

    Sub main()
    Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
    Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc
    End Sub

    When running this macro inside a sw command such as Measurement, the
    selections are actually clear while you can still see your former
    selected entities in the Property Manager page. It doesn't matter.

    Jiao, Qian

    From: Mark ()
    Subject: Hot Key for Clear selection ...
    Date: 27 Apr 2004 09:23:39 -0700

    I have a user that would like to have a hot key to clear selections.
    I do not see a keyboard item to customize. Hoping that someone out
    there would have some insite on setting this up. Any help here would
    be most appriciated. Also i have already gone through all of the ways
    to call this up by RMB with the user and they still would like this
    hot key ability.
    Jiao Qian, Jun 11, 2004
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