AMSKIT61 issues

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Erick, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. Erick

    Erick Guest

    Hi All,

    I tried to migrate AMSKIT61 from school lab to my workstation, At the
    end of installation of AMSKIT61, I need to configuire it, after
    configuration, I found that some files are not decrypted, such as :

    02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzaa.enc ===>decrypt OK
    02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzab.enc ===> not decrypt

    the first one 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzaa.enc is successfully
    decrypted, but the second one 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzab.enc is

    Another files that has tgzaa/ tgzab extension also have the same
    problem, such as

    14A_PostLayoutSignOffFunctionalVerification.tgzaa.enc===>decrypt OK
    14A_PostLayoutSignOffFunctionalVerification.tgzab.enc===> not decrypt
    14A_PostLayoutSignOffFunctionalVerification.tgzac.enc===> not decrypt
    The first one is successfully decrypted, But anouther two are not.

    Why files with tgzaa/ tgzab/gzac extension can not be decrypted
    How to fix this problem?


    Erick, Sep 10, 2009
  2. Erick

    Guest Guest

    I'm assuming the "aa" and "ab" after the "tgz" implies the file was split
    using the command "split". So to decrypt you have to concatenate them with

    # cat 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzaa.enc 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzab.enc |
    <decrypt program> | gtar zxvf -

    Either that, or you decrypt them individually and then cat them into gtar.
    But I'm guessing they are two sections of a single gzipped tar file that were
    then encrypted.

    -Pete Zakel

    Hofstadter's Law:
    It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take
    Hofstadter's Law into account.
    Guest, Sep 10, 2009
  3. Erick

    Harris_SIM Guest

    Hi Pete,

    I used cat command to concatenate them and then decrypted them. It
    does not work.

    I tried to decrypted them individually. I can decrypt
    02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzaa.enc. But I can not decrypt

    Can anyone give me some suggestion for this issue?


    Harris_SIM, Sep 11, 2009
  4. Erick

    Harris_SIM Guest

    Hi Pete,

    I used cat command to concatenate them and then decrypted them. It
    does not work.

    I tried to decrypted them individually. I can decrypt
    02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzaa.enc. But I can not decrypt

    Can anyone give me some suggestion for this issue?


    Harris_SIM, Sep 11, 2009
  5. Erick

    Erick Guest

    Hi Pete ,

    I used Cat command to concatenate them and then decrypted them, It
    does not work.

    I decrypted them sepratetivly. 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzaa.enc is
    decrypted successfully, but 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzab.enc still
    not be decrypted.

    Can someone give me an idea to fix this issue?


    Erick, Sep 11, 2009
  6. Erick

    Erick Guest

    Hi Pete ,

    I used Cat command to concatenate them and then decrypted them, It
    does not work.

    I decrypted them sepratetivly. 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzaa.enc is
    decrypted successfully, but 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzab.enc still
    not be decrypted.

    Can someone give me an idea to fix this issue?


    Erick, Sep 11, 2009
  7. Erick wrote, on 09/11/09 05:01:

    This should be taken care of by the script:

    install/tmp/ams613_MISC*.exe (the exact name will vary).

    It depends on which version of the kit you're installing as to the exact file names.

    The flow is to use "cdnDecrypt" to decrypt each file, and then concatenate them
    with cat. Not the other way around...

    Perhaps you can take the script and put some debugging messages around this. I'm
    not sure why it failed, but I did see something similar a number of months back
    at a customer where I was installing the kit, and I worked around it because I
    was in a hurry, and never had the chance to investigate exactly what went
    wrong... (or at least, I can't remember the precise details).


    Andrew Beckett, Sep 14, 2009
  8. Erick

    Erick Guest

    Erick, Sep 15, 2009
  9. Erick

    Erick Guest

    Erick, Sep 15, 2009
  10. Erick

    Guest Guest

    I believe the second one is decrypted, but it is not a separate tar file, it
    is the second part of a two part tar file. After decrypting you need to cat
    both of them to tar.

    So, assuming after decryption you have the files 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzaa
    and 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzab, you should run:

    cat 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzaa 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzab | gtar zxfb -

    to untar them.

    -Pete Zakel

    "If anything can go wrong, it will."
    Guest, Sep 15, 2009
  11. Erick

    Erick Guest

    Hi Pete,


    I run the following command:

    cat 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzaa 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzab | gtar

    It shows
    gtar: old option 'f' require an argument.

    I tried
    cat 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzaa 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzab | gtar

    It shows
    tar (child): b: cannot open: No such file or directory
    tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now

    Does "gtar zxfb" use to extract files from an archive? Why there's
    issues with the command "gtar zxfb"?

    I then concatenated them with cat first as :

    cat 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzaa 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzab >

    and then untar them with tar, but the second one was not uncompressed
    Is there any wrong with my cat command?


    Erick, Sep 15, 2009
  12. Erick wrote, on 09/15/09 06:13:
    It should be:

    cat 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzaa 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzab | gtar zxf -

    The "-" is important to tell it to take the file from standard input, i.e. the
    output of the pipe.

    I didn't understand your last statement "and then untar them with tar, but the
    second one was not uncompressed yet" - I don't know what you're saying. You'd
    have to do:

    tar xvf 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgz


    Andrew Beckett, Sep 15, 2009
  13. Erick

    Guest Guest

    You need to specfiy a hyphen as the argument to specify that the input is
    coming from stdin:

    # cat 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzaa 02D_ITDB_Implementation.tgzab | gtar zxf -

    Note that I'm an old timer, and with the old tar if you don't specify a file
    (the "f" argument) then it uses the default magnetic medium (originally tape,
    "tar" stands for "tape archive") for the files.

    It may be that with gtar all you need is "gtar zx" to specify input is from

    The "v" is for "verbose", "z" is for "needs to be uncompressed" and the "x" is
    for "extract".

    The "b" option, from what I remember, is for blocksize -- but in this case
    it seems to take the "b" as the file name since it follows the "f" (when you
    use the hyphen in front of the options).

    If you are running on linux, I think "tar" and "gtar" are the same thing. The
    old tar does not understand the "z" option, so I tend to specify "gtar" since
    I'm running on a Solaris machine and "tar" and "gtar" are not the same.

    -Pete Zakel

    "If science were explained to the average person in a way that is accessible
    and exciting, there would be no room for pseudoscience. But there is a kind
    of Gresham's Law by which in popular culture the bad science drives out the
    good. And for this I think we have to blame, first, the scientific community
    ourselves for not doing a better job of popularizing science, and second, the
    media, which are in this respect almost uniformly dreadful. Every newspaper
    in America has a daily astrology column. How many have even a weekly
    astronomy column? And I believe it is also the fault of the educational
    system. We do not teach how to think. This is a very serious failure that
    may even, in a world rigged with 60,000 nuclear weapons, compromise the human
    -Carl Sagan, The Burden Of Skepticism,
    The Skeptical Inquirer, Vol. 12, Fall 1987
    Guest, Sep 15, 2009
  14. Erick

    Erick Guest

    Hi Andrew and Pete,

    Thank you for your very helpful suggestion, by combining your idea I
    've fixed the problem.


    Erick, Sep 16, 2009
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