AMS Convergence Problem

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Debjit, Mar 15, 2010.

  1. Debjit

    Debjit Guest

    Dear All,

    I am facing a convergence problem. The parameters I have set for my
    simulation are as follow:

    start = 0 s
    outputstart = 0 s
    stop = 1.5 ms
    step = 1.5 us
    maxstep = 30 us
    ic = all
    skipdc = no
    reltol = 10e-03
    abstol(V) = 100 uV
    abstol(I) = 100 pA
    temp = 25 C
    tnom = 27 C
    tempeffects = all
    errpreset = moderate
    method = trap
    lteratio = 3.5
    relref = sigglobal
    cmin = 100 aF
    gmin = 1 pS

    But whenever I am trying to run the simulation, the simulator says
    that "Trying `homotopy = dptran' for initial conditions.". But after
    that nothing happens after waiting a long time. I have tweaked several
    parameters like integration methods etc but no result obtained.

    Can any one please help me in this regard?

    Thanks in advance for help.

    Regards !!!!!


    Cheers !!!!!!
    Debjit, Mar 15, 2010
  2. Debjit

    Riad KACED Guest


    You are using this forum for quite a while and you should know by now
    that the information you have providedis not enough for us to give you
    any help.
    How would I proceed in you place ?

    1. I will tell the community what I am simulating, i.e. ADC, VCO,
    PLL ... etc.
    2. I will tell the community whether my full Spectre simulation
    (outside the AMS env) was fine.
    3. I will tell the community whether my full Spectre simulation within
    AMS, i.e. all cell in the HED are tied to a spectre Subckt (not any
    HDL models) is giving the same results as 2.
    4. I will tell the community my tool versions, i.e. icfb -W, spectre -
    W and nchelp -v
    5. I will tell the community whether I use AMS in a ADE use model or
    HED-plugin use model
    6. I will tell the community whether I run the 3-steps CellBased
    netlisting flow or the 1-step OSS irun flow ...

    Please give us some more details if you want any further followup ...

    Riad KACED, Mar 16, 2010
  3. Debjit

    Debjit Guest

    Hi Riad,

    I am extremely Sorry. I beg pardon humbly for not providing enough
    The details are given below.

    1. Circuit Type: PMU Chip consisting of LDOs and Buck Converters
    2. Simulation Result: Suceessfully simulated in Circuit Level using
    Spectre and with Verilog-A and Verilog models using spectreVerilog.
    3. Basically whenever I am trying to circuit in AMS (as I am gradually
    switching from spectreVerilog to AMS following the AVUM workshop
    manual included in the Cadence Distributino), it says that it is
    trying to do homotopy = "dptran" but after some hour, it reports that
    it failed to converge. I obtained convergence using homotopy =
    "dptran" in spectreVerilog.
    4. icfb Subversions:
    spectre Subversion:
    ncsim version: 08.20-s022
    nchelp version: 08.20-s022
    5. AMS used in ADE model. I don't feel comfortable in HED model.
    6. I am using OSS irun based netlister and simulating in batch mode.
    7. I am using Cadence in built connect modules.
    8. The summary of simulation parameters are given as follows:
    start = 0 s
    outputstart = 0 s
    stop = 1.5 ms
    step = 1.5 us
    maxstep = 30 us
    ic = all
    skipdc = no
    reltol = 10e-03
    abstol(V) = 100 uV
    abstol(I) = 100 pA
    temp = 25 C
    tnom = 27 C
    tempeffects = all
    errpreset = moderate
    method = trap
    lteratio = 3.5
    relref = sigglobal
    cmin = 100 aF
    gmin = 1 pS
    The above simulation setup was fine for me in spectreVerilog.

    Thats all the info I have with me.

    Please provide me some suggestions.

    Thanks and Regards !!!!
    Cheers !!!

    Debjit, Mar 19, 2010
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