AMD based motherboard

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jacito, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. jacito

    jacito Guest

    OK Folks,
    I've read quite a bit about which video card to use, and about the
    Intel/AMD choices. What I'd like to know is which motherboard is a
    decent choice to build an AMD based machine?

    thanks in advance,
    Jim Acito - CSWP
    jacito, Jul 27, 2007
  2. jacito

    Johns Yard Guest

    The last time I upgraded the motherboard (intel) I had to get a new power
    supply (P4), Also it didn't have a PCIe slot which limits your choice of
    video cards.
    Johns Yard, Jul 27, 2007
  3. jacito

    swizzle Guest

    Welcome, Green Tweed.

    If you have already done the Intel vs. AMD search, then you can go to AMD's
    website and choose the right mobo that they recommend. I use MSI
    motherboards on my own computers. I have friends who swear by ASUS.
    Personally, I don't think the price matters all that much. You need to look
    at what you want to do and what components you'll need to do it, then find
    the mobo that supports all those. You want IDE, SATA, USB, or SCSI hard
    drives? Do you want raid? Are you going to buy a network card or just use
    an onboard one? Are you doing heavy graphics and will be investing in SLI
    capable graphics cards?

    All these questions and more will choose the right mobo for you.

    swizzle, Jul 27, 2007
  4. jacito

    TOP Guest

    If you are going to build AMD you probably want to wait till around
    September. Right now Intel holds the crown. But that is due to fall in
    a couple months. You probably can't afford an FX74 or high end

    If you want a good choice for motherboard look at one of the reputable
    benchmarking web sites and follow what they build.

    SW is not very particular about motherboards AFAIK other than they
    have to be reliable and accompanied by a decent power supply and

    TOP, Jul 28, 2007
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