Ambit/PKS - Timing problem

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Henning Bahr, Sep 3, 2003.

  1. Henning Bahr

    Henning Bahr Guest

    The static timing analysis of Ambit (as well as the one of Pearl)
    puzzles me. I only have positive triggered flip-flops in my design. So
    why is the first FF state_reg_1 in the delay list triggered by the
    negative clock?

    This is the timing report:

    Path 1: MET Setup Check with Pin CP/fault_detect_reg/C
    Endpoint: CP/fault_detect_reg/D (^) checked with leading edge of
    Beginpoint: WC/state_reg_1/Q (v) triggered by trailing edge of
    Other End Arrival Time 0.00
    - Setup 0.85
    + Phase Shift 40.00
    = Required Time 39.15
    - Arrival Time 38.67
    = Slack Time 0.48
    | Instance | Arc | Cell | Delay |
    Arrival | Required |
    | | | | |
    Time | Time |
    | | clk v | | |
    20.00 | 20.48 |
    | WC | clk v | WBIST_CONTROL | |
    20.00 | 20.48 |
    | WC/state_reg_1 | C v -> Q v | DFRRX1 | 0.05 |
    20.05 | 20.53 |
    | WC/i_3 | B v -> Q v | AND2X1 | 2.55 |
    22.60 | 23.08 |
    | WC/i_10 | A v -> Q v | AND2X1 | 2.46 |
    25.07 | 25.55 |
    | WC/i_19476 | A v -> Q v | AND2X1 | 2.30 |
    27.37 | 27.85 |
    | WC/i_1315 | A v -> Q v | OR3X1 | 1.87 |
    29.24 | 29.72 |
    | WC/i_435 | A v -> Q v | BUX4 | 2.06 |
    31.30 | 31.78 |
    | WC/i_1246 | IN0 v -> Q v | MU2X1 | 1.77 |
    33.08 | 33.56 |
    | WC/i_434 | A v -> Q v | BUX4 | 1.98 |
    35.05 | 35.53 |
    | WC | tdi[0] v | WBIST_CONTROL | |
    35.05 | 35.53 |
    | CP | tdi[0] v | COMPARATOR | |
    35.05 | 35.53 |
    | CP/i_34 | S v -> Q v | MU2X1 | 1.95 |
    37.00 | 37.48 |
    | CP/i_0101 | A v -> Q ^ | NA2X1 | 0.52 |
    37.53 | 38.00 |
    | CP/i_1548 | B ^ -> Q ^ | AND3X1 | 1.15 |
    38.67 | 39.15 |
    | CP/fault_detect_reg | D ^ | DFRRX1 | 0.00 |
    38.67 | 39.15 |
    Henning Bahr, Sep 3, 2003
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