Always show hidden lines for given component in HLR drawing view

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sam, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Is there a way to flag a component so that it is always set to show its
    hidden lines in any drawing view even it that drawing view is set to
    HLR? We have a standard componet that is used on every project that we
    do and we set the drawing views to HLR but this one component is always
    shown in its hidden line form.

    If there is not a way to do this with standard sw maybe I can write a
    macro that will search for components with a given custom property and
    if the value is Yes then show hidden lines?

    Sam, Jan 15, 2007
  2. Sam

    MM Guest


    You can't just highlight the veiw and click the little HLR icon ???? (The
    little solid cube)

    What version and SP are you running ??

    MM, Jan 15, 2007
  3. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Well I could do that, if that was what I wanted to do. Maybe I did
    not explain vey well.

    So for example, I have an assembly comprised of multiple sub-assys
    (lets say 50 of them). Inside each of those 50 sub-assemblies are
    multiple sub-assys, inside at least one of those sub-sub-assys is a
    particular component and it is that single component that I want to
    show in hidden line form even though the drawing view is set to HLR. We
    set the view to HLR because there are a lot of other components inside
    these 50 assys and the sub-sub-assys that we do not want to see, we
    only want to see the hidden lines for the one component but with 50
    assys and multiple instances of this particular component in each of
    those 50 assys we could easily have 200+ instances of this component in
    a given drawing view. Thus I do not want to take the time to select
    each instance individually and rmb>show/hide>show hidden lines. Doing
    this for a single drawing may not seem like a big deal but we do very
    repetative drawings and would like to automate some of the more mundane

    I am thinking a macro that searches for a custom property named HLV and
    a value of either Yes or No, any component with that custom property
    and the value being Yes will be set to show their hidden lines when the
    view is set to HLR.


    Sam, Jan 16, 2007
  4. Sam

    E Guest

    Sam, I am assuming you are using the feature manager tree in the
    drawing, and expanding the sub-assembly, selecting the component, and
    telling it to show hidden edges... Sometimes you have to select a
    feature inside the component to get it to show what you want. Then
    save the file...

    If you save that drawing as a copy, and use it for other configs or
    Assemblies, you should see the same result, unless you are using a
    different sub-assembly. I don't believe that there is a way to flag a
    single component as of today, I recommend sending an enhancement
    request to Solidworks.


    E, Jan 16, 2007
  5. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Thanks for the confirmation E, I had assumed it was not possible but
    was hoping there was some hidden option somewhere.

    Sam, Jan 16, 2007
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