Aligning Balloons and Text

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by tritonlogging, Oct 11, 2006.

  1. This seems like a straight-forward thing... so flame me if the solution
    is obvious:
    In the past week or so I've often wanted to align text and balloon
    numbers... so that a 'label' sits right beside the balloon number. It
    seems like the order that SW06 (SP3.4) likes to do this in is always
    backwards from what I want though! For example, I want to align
    horizontally the word 'bee' with the balloon that says '3', where I
    want the '3' to stay where it is, and I want 'bee' to drop down beside
    it. I select the 'bee' first and then '3' and then hit the align horiz
    button and it moves '3' up to 'bee'. Selecting in '3' first, and then
    'bee' also moves '3' up to 'bee'. Ugh. To make it even funnier... I
    noticed that 'align horizontal' and 'align bottom' act differently with
    regards to the order of selection... hehe... is there a rhyme or reason
    to the way SW chooses which to align to what? Thanks, scott
    tritonlogging, Oct 11, 2006
  2. Ok, here's the way I think it works.

    Align top/bottom/right/left, the one to move is the one that has to move in
    the direction selected. So if A is already higher on the page than B, then
    if you ask them to align Top, then B will move up. If you ask them to align
    Bottom, then A will move down. The one to move is the one that isn't
    already there. Make sense?

    Align Vertical, the one to move is the one that is lower on the page. So if
    A is already higher on the page than B, then if you ask them to align
    Vertical, then B will move over.

    Align Horizontal, the one to move is the one that is farther to the right on
    the page. So if A is already farther right on the page than B, then if you
    ask them to align Horizontal, then A will move.

    So, a quiz....if you align Horizontal so they are at the exact same height
    on the page, and then immediately align the same entities Vertical, who
    moves? The one that is supposed to move for a Vertical is the one that is
    lower on he page and they are exactly the same? Answer - the one farther to
    the right.

    It doesn't matter if the selected entity is a note or a balloon - a balloon
    is actually a special note.

    Now, all that being said, what I maybe should have written is which one
    doesn't move. You might think this doesn't matter, but how about when you
    select more than 2 entities? Reverse all the above and make the opposite
    one stay put, so rather than saying that the farther RH one moves, say that
    the farther LH one doesn't move.

    Hey, you asked. :)

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 12, 2006

    Sorry, I forgot the flame part - feel better now? :) :)

    (I also forgot to actually state that the pick order doesn't make any

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 12, 2006
  4. Sigh.... (while shaking my head)
    Thanks for going easy Wayne... I probably deserved a lot more than
    tritonlogging, Oct 13, 2006
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