align ucs to a line

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by fora, Aug 8, 2003.

  1. fora

    fora Guest

    how can I align(crate a new) ucs to a line?
    fora, Aug 8, 2003
  2. fora

    Paul Turvill Guest

    UCS / OB / <<pick the line>>
    Paul Turvill, Aug 8, 2003
  3. fora

    Mark Propst Guest

    by definition a ucs describes a plane, a line does not.
    you could make some assumption about how you wanted to interpret the line
    relative to the plane you want, like the line could be the x vector and a
    line perpendicular to it could be the y - vector or visaversa or some other
    relationship, that would be for you to decide how you wanted to use it.
    Mark Propst, Aug 8, 2003
  4. fora

    Mark Propst Guest

    looking at Paul's post I may be all wrong on this!
    Mark Propst, Aug 8, 2003
  5. Public Sub UcsAlignObject(ByRef objEnt As AcadEntity)
    Dim dblOrigin As Variant
    Dim dblAngle As Double
    Dim dblXvector As Variant, dblYvector As Variant
    Dim objUcs As AcadUCS
    Dim objLine As AcadLine
    Dim objText As AcadText
    Dim objMtext As AcadMText
    Dim objAttribute As AcadAttribute
    Dim strUcsName As String

    With objAcadDoc
    If TypeOf objEnt Is AcadLine Then
    Set objLine = objEnt
    If objLine.StartPoint(0) = objLine.EndPoint(0) Then
    If objLine.StartPoint(1) < objLine.EndPoint(1) Then
    dblOrigin = objLine.StartPoint
    dblAngle = pi / 2
    dblOrigin = objLine.EndPoint
    dblAngle = pi / 2
    End If
    ElseIf objLine.StartPoint(0) < objLine.EndPoint(0) Then
    dblOrigin = objLine.StartPoint
    dblAngle = .Utility.AngleFromXAxis(dblOrigin, objLine.EndPoint)
    dblOrigin = objLine.EndPoint
    dblAngle = .Utility.AngleFromXAxis(dblOrigin, objLine.StartPoint)
    End If
    Set objLine = Nothing
    ElseIf TypeOf objEnt Is AcadText Then
    Set objText = objEnt
    dblOrigin = objText.InsertionPoint
    dblAngle = objText.Rotation
    Set objText = Nothing
    ElseIf TypeOf objEnt Is AcadMText Then
    Set objMtext = objEnt
    dblOrigin = objMtext.InsertionPoint
    dblAngle = objMtext.Rotation
    Set objMtext = Nothing
    ElseIf TypeOf objEnt Is AcadAttribute Then
    Set objAttribute = objEnt
    dblOrigin = objAttribute.InsertionPoint
    dblAngle = objAttribute.Rotation
    Set objAttribute = Nothing
    MsgBox TypeName(objEnt)
    ReDim dblOrigin(2) As Double
    dblOrigin(0) = 0: dblOrigin(1) = 0: dblOrigin(2) = 0
    dblAngle = 0
    End If
    dblXvector = .Utility.PolarPoint(dblOrigin, dblAngle, 1)
    dblYvector = .Utility.PolarPoint(dblOrigin, dblAngle + pi / 2, 1)
    strUcsName = "_ActiveAligned"
    Set objUcs = .UserCoordinateSystems.Add(dblOrigin, dblXvector, dblYvector,
    .ActiveUCS = objUcs
    End With
    Set objUcs = Nothing
    End Sub
    Chuck Gabriel, Aug 11, 2003
  6. fora

    wivory Guest

    Am I right in thinking this will only work for objects with no Z value?
    Wayne Ivory
    IT Analyst Programmer
    Wespine Industries Pty Ltd
    wivory, Aug 12, 2003
  7. Yes. That function is actually part of a larger project, and for my purposes I
    only needed to rotate the UCS about the Z-axis. I should have mentioned that in
    my original post. I don't think it would be difficult to extend the
    functionality though.
    Chuck Gabriel, Aug 12, 2003
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